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笔名: 寂寂
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寂寂的留言薄 (最近5条留言)
-winterburry- 留言于:2008-04-13 01:01:02
hi, 寂寂: 很喜歡你的文章,我把它們打印出來后,至少讀了七遍以上不知道你和Jack現在怎樣了? 不僅佩服你流暢的文筆,更喜歡你細膩,真摯而善良的情感. 但你的文章也害苦了我!(沒有一點批評的意思).很想跟你聊聊我的故事因爲現在非常痛苦,又無人能說! 黨我第一次看到你的文章的時候,大約一年前,正是我的家庭關係處於最低谷的時候,不知道怎莫排解痛苦與孤獨。當然,在此之前也從未想過網戀, 這從來都不是我的STYLE。你的文章是那末的美,讓我不僅有所憧憬,想這也未必不是一個好主意。(I’m sorry that I have to change to English, Typing Chinese is too difficult to me and too slow too.) Then I met him intentionly via internet. We took at least 2-3 months communicate via email and phone, he’s ABC and can’t speak Madarine, so we have to use English. He has a very mature, sexy and magnetic voice, specially in English (even he’s younger than me). I’ve fallen in love with his voice originally. After 3 months, I met him in person. He’s as handsome as his picture, he’s clean, fit with white healthy skin which I loved most. 我就毫無原則的,毫無保留的,全身心地愛上了他 – 這也注定了我今天的痛苦不堪。Be honest, we had wonderful time when we’ve been together. When I looked into his eyes and face, he looks so incent and honest, I can feel the love in his eyes and heart. He brighten my life, brought happeness and laugh back to my bored life. I started to rebuild myself and my dry and cold heart started to wake up, warm and become soft again. You can’t image how much I loved him. He is the only man beside my husband and seems my first love. I loved him, care him and do whatever he likes, even changed myself and sacrified lots to make him happy. Even he said once no one was be so nice to him in his whole life. Be honest, in other hand, I was quite enjoying his company too. However, suddenly around half year later, I found he’s dating with other girls at same time!!! That was shocking and disaster. It damaged my confidence and self-esteem completely. I cried, blame him, fight with him and want to end of the relationship immediately. However, he beg me forgive him and promised that won’t happen again. I knew I shouldn’t trust him but I really couldn’t afford to abandon him and the suffering was so deeply pain through my heart and whole body. Therefore I stupidlly want to give him and myself second chance. No surprising, now I found he’s still dating with other girl who met them through internet. Yes, he is as same type as Jack!!! Even he looks not at all!!! 寂寂, from your experiences with Jack, what can I do now, please tell me, teach me. I found it this week and told him we were over, then left my phone in my office, just want to force myself not pick up his call or see his txt, but this was the longest and painful weekend I never experienced without his lovely txt or call. Oh, God, please help me!!!
-glass_view- 留言于:2007-12-25 04:25:53
^_^,,Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!    /\~~~~~~~~~~~~~\   ▓  ^*^   ☆  $$  .☆   ./ \~~~▓~  ~~~~\ ◆  圣诞 .快乐  *  $◢◣$  *   / ^^ \ ══════\.◆    * *  *  $◢★◣$  *  ..▎[] ▎田 田 ▎ |┃◆  .     *  $◢■■◣$  *  &&▎  ▎    ▎'|'▎ @ *glass_view* $◢■■■◣$ * # ■■■■■■■■■■〓▄▃▂祝愿你圣诞快乐︸︸||︸︸
-lifeisgood!- 留言于:2007-06-03 00:02:16
Nice, beautiful, excellent writing skill.Thanks!
-springrose- 留言于:2007-05-30 07:08:10
你和Jack的前半段很让我有感触~难的! 文笔很好,你真是能写!希望继续!
-★馨雨微涵★- 留言于:2007-05-16 20:00:39
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