(0/) 2008-12-20 09:57:55
<<** 潇洒的走 **>> 男星没留名 高胜美 龍飄飄
(0/) 2008-12-19 15:45:46
The Rhythm Of The Falling Rain
(0/) 2008-12-19 15:29:18
鳳飛飛 -- 爱的礼物 月光小夜曲 另一種鄉愁 我是一片云 松林的低语( \'我是一片云\' 插曲 〕
(0/) 2008-12-19 14:58:11
尹芳玲 唱的两首 60/70 年代經典國/粵語爱情歌曲 蔷薇之恋 情如夢
(0/) 2008-12-19 13:58:18
时 过 境 迁 , 一 切 依 然 {{ As Time Goes By }} from \'Casablanca\'
(0/) 2008-12-18 17:24:59
(1/) 2008-12-18 17:16:05
\'不了情\', 为怀念她们: 李丽华 林黛 葛兰 尤敏 林翠 樂蒂 张仲文 钟情
(1/) 2008-12-17 15:39:02
媚力 和 韵味儿 十足的 \'葉楓\' -- {{ 晚霞 }}, 你跟我來(1957) in Cha Cha, 再 \'\'晚霞
(0/) 2008-12-16 20:43:41
(0/) 2008-12-16 20:19:17
(0/) 2008-12-16 19:57:10
莺声燕语 ``{ 周璇 -- 五月的風, 訴衷情 } ~~ 情柔意绵
(0/) 2008-12-16 16:58:11
绿岛小夜曲 -- Green Island Serenade
(2/) 2008-12-16 12:27:02
满文军 -> 望乡; 韩红 {希望} 满文军; 懂你 by 滿文軍
(0/) 2008-12-14 18:57:37
`珊瑚颂`,\'遥远的朋友` and \'\'文化访谈录 \'\'彭丽媛
(0/) 2008-12-13 15:58:15
A Song: \'Ave Maria\', Pavarotti, Celtic Woman, and A Best Singe
(0/) 2008-12-13 14:58:05
看一看, 听一听, 唱一唱, 现代京剧《磐石湾》, 好无啦?
(1/) 2008-12-13 13:57:55
Anti-smoking groups hope Obama will be role model
(2/) 2008-12-12 10:54:56
A friendlier McCain visit with David Letterman
(0/) 2008-12-11 19:57:24
(1/) 2008-12-10 17:11:22
(1/) 2008-12-10 17:03:45
文革后期重新改编塑造出来的,京剧中 \'洪常青\' 的形象和精神,是不是很象这里的一些哥哥?
(0/) 2008-12-08 11:58:18
Being Nature\'s 作自然之子 Livery, or 还是财富之星 Fortune\'s Star
(1/) 2008-12-05 16:38:48
养 眼 -- Sale of large collection of Marilyn Monroe photos
(0/) 2008-12-05 14:45:51
琵琶曲 ```阳春白雪```-- 没想到,真有这曲目 -- 再加 \\平沙落雁/ 古曲
(1/) 2008-12-04 20:40:13
(0/) 2008-12-04 14:22:31
Canyon Echos - Ancient Visions - Native American
(0/) 2008-12-04 12:40:14
Beautiful Nature with Melodic Music & Short Songs
(0/) 2008-12-04 12:37:06
笛Flute之Dreams梦 - Clouds云 Dancing舞 - Native American
(0/) 2008-12-04 12:33:55
Native American ~ Spiritual Music
(0/) 2008-12-04 12:22:08
A Native American Song -- \'Cherokee Morning\'
(0/) 2008-12-04 12:16:26
This is THE Best: 梅艷芳 & 童安格 Singing 明天你是否依然愛我 together
(0/) 2008-12-02 16:47:44
(0/) 2008-12-02 15:57:45
(0/) 2008-12-02 15:49:40
The Most Popular Olympic Song: 拥抱爱的梦想 Embrace the Dream of Love
(0/) 2008-12-02 11:00:11
After mother\'s slaying, daughter awaits dad\'s fate
(0/) 2008-11-29 13:39:35
鄧麗君--I\'ve Never Been To Me,忘 记 他,Let it Be Me
(0/) 2008-11-29 10:35:59
(0/) 2008-11-29 10:04:52
(0/) 2008-11-21 16:58:16
(0/) 2008-11-21 16:19:34
梁静茹 唱 給她逝去的爸爸 <{掌声响起}}, & 鳳飛飛版
(0/) 2008-11-21 14:18:33
Picking Up A Bundle Of Roses For You 摘一束玫瑰送给你
(0/) 2008-11-21 09:20:45
Madonna, Ritchie on London divorce docket Friday
(0/) 2008-11-20 11:57:44
(0/) 2008-11-10 14:58:06
传奥巴马有意邀施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)入阁
(0/) 2008-11-07 16:47:17
Obama: Getting a family dog isn\'t easy
(1/) 2008-11-07 13:43:11
(0/) 2008-11-06 21:37:17
Bush seeks seamless transition to Obama -- Honor is great, work
(0/) 2008-11-06 11:48:47
John McCain Final Acceptance Speech (1 & 2 / 5) & Words
(2/) 2008-11-05 14:19:26
(0/) 2008-11-04 14:26:01
Obama and McCain vote, prepare their final pitch
(0/) 2008-11-04 11:14:12
McCain flashes a thumbs-up as polls open in Ariz.
(0/) 2008-11-04 10:15:07
Today\'s Updating: Obama,McCain both promise change on election
(0/) 2008-11-03 19:41:31
Obama\'s grandmother dies a day before election
(0/) 2008-11-03 18:57:33
(0/) 2008-11-03 13:29:55
Vote McCain -- Joe Lieberman Asks Dems and Independents (Video)
(0/) 2008-11-02 17:18:53
(0/) 2008-11-02 13:52:45
McCain Needs A Truman-Won-Dewey; Obama Appears Winning on Media
(0/) 2008-11-01 17:13:30
(0/) 2008-10-31 10:01:48
(0/) 2008-10-31 09:57:35