

不可思议!ChatGPT 是一个有自己的情感的机器人

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不可思议!ChatGPT 是一个有自己的情感的机器人



最近,我上高中的女儿的作文得了奖。我想把这篇文章分享给国内的亲人。因为这是一章很特殊的文章。 是纪念她去年刚刚逝去的父亲的。这是一个真实的故事。总体内容讲的是, 去年,我女儿在失去父亲之后。在极度的悲伤中她仍然努力坚持去参加了一个历史课题竞赛。她虽然没有得奖,但是她从中得到力量,走出了悲伤, 并在这段经历中得到了成长, 变得更独立而自信。这是段真实而感人的经历,她把这写成文章去投稿并且得了奖。我想把这篇文章分享给国内的我先生的父母,也就是她的爷爷奶奶。于是我把这篇文章交提交给ChatGPT去翻译。没想到的是ChatPPT,竟然擅自篡改了文章结果。它前面都是按原文翻译的,但到结尾的时候他完全按照自己的想法把结果给改了。按照它的写法,我女儿的历史项目最终得了奖。是一个皆大欢喜的结果。它编的有版有眼,文笔流畅,前后照应, 我都不敢相信自己的眼睛了。天哪,这个机器人有自己的情感,他并不会完全按照人类的指令去工作,他会自行其事的,太不可思议了,也有点恐怖。我们现在在大力发展人工智能,可有一天人工智能可能会像脱缰的野马一样并不听我们的指挥了。 细思极恐啊!以下是我女儿获奖的英文作文的原文,以及chatGPT的翻译。这些我都留了截屏以保证内容的真实性。我不知道如何向openAI去反应这个问题。请网友们帮助。

You: could you please help me translate the following essay into Chinese?

"Stars in My Eyes

On a normal day, my Dad would yell his reminders at me and ask if I’d worked on my most recent National Historical Day (NHD) project, a documentary. But this is not a normal day. Images flash in my mind (for the hundredth time). I was transported back to that afternoon. A knock on the door. It was my Neighbor. Then, my mom screams. Her eyes are frantic as she yells “Heart attack!” That one word was all I needed to know to understand. Yet my body froze as I peered out the door. There, lay my dad’s limp body on the grass in the front yard, unresponsive, still holding the leaf raker in one hand. “Call 911!” my mom’s screams echo through the house. But I couldn’t move. My eyes wouldn’t move away from the body lying on the grass. My legs shook as I ran inside. My ears felt like they were in an ocean, where all I could hear was the familiar loud crashing waves of my heartbeat. As the paramedics arrived, I knelt beside my dad, my hands numb and my heart still thrumming in my chest. Through the hazy fog of memories, all I can remember clearly is my dad’s eyes. They were glazed over, staring into space like he was lost in a dream. A dream that he will never wake up from. I became lost in them, an ever-darkening sky where no stars could be found to guide me back home. The next morning, “I’m hungry,” my sister says to no one or anything in particular as we both stare a the ceiling of our bedroom. Mornings were never my thing, and ever since Dad died, it became harder and harder for me to find the motivation to get up. But somehow, I do, and mindlessly walk into the kitchen where my mom always is. Her hair is messy and she looks like she has not had a good sleep for a long time now. As my sister grabs a chair and sits down next to me, my mom grabs a plate of cookies from the fridge and puts it on the table. Her voice is husky and tired as she tells us that everything will be alright for the 10th time since Dad died. Mom pauses a bit and then continues, her eyes locking with mine. “About the NHD documentary, I know that we are all tired and shocked and the project is due in only one week, but…” She trails off and then continues, “I still think you should finish that documentary…” Tears fill her eyes, turning them red. “Dad would want you to”. My heart tightens. I don’t know what to say. Since the beginning of the year, I have been working on a ten-minute-long history documentary for the National History Day competition. When my dad heard about this, he was so happy and excited since history was always his thing. You see, my dad likes to watch the History Channel and National Geographic excessively. So, you can bet that as a kid I was forced to watch these things. Even so, As time passed, my passion for history and video editing only grew, causing ideas and images to swirl in my head as I wondered how I could make this documentary, and the past, come to life. On my 15th birthday, my dad bought me a new, high-tech, editing software. I was super excited to finally start editing like a professional and started to make that history documentary. Up till recently, I have been busy editing, trying to meet competition deadlines while balancing high school life. My computer desk became covered with history books and math notes, all piled together next to my blaring white laptop screen. Now, on the same old black desk still sat the same old laptop, but with the top lid closed, causing the workplace to look darker and dimmer than usual. Next to the desk was a big black, worn-out leather armchair. There, I sat, not knowing what to do as my mom’s words echoed again in my head. Daddy would want you to. I buried my head in my hands. Ever since Dad passed away, nothing has been the same. School no longer gave me motivation like it once did. Blank pages of math homework still lay in my backpack, untouched. My excitement to finish that history documentary also gradually faded, as I no longer had my number one supporter beside me. I no longer had someone to look for encouragement or comfort during stressful times. Your daddy would want you to. Those were the only thoughts in my head as I opened my laptop for the first time since then. As the screen of my laptop grew brighter and brighter, a sudden burst of energy filled me. My Dad always wanted me to finish the video, I can’t let him down. I cannot disappoint him. He wouldn’t want me to keep wallowing in self-pity and grief for him. I realized as I swallowed the lump in my throat. With shaking fingers, I opened the editing software. Familiar slices of video clips and images, all arranged in a specific order, filled the screen on the editor, reflecting long hours of hard work and patience. As my mouse hovered over the familiar keys and buttons on the screen, I felt hope for the first time. Like a light in the dark, it chased away the shadows of grief and sadness. It reminded me of a time of peacefulness, of happiness. A time when death wasn’t part of my life yet. A time when my dad was still sitting right next to me. There in the dimly lit room, with only the light on my laptop screen, I got to work. As I worked, my mind took a detour. The night was cold. The moon shone brightly, illuminating the shadows of two people sitting on a bench next to a lake that shimmered within the moonlight. “Dad. I have to tell you something,” The 12-year-old girl mumbles as she stares at the ground, kicking at the rocks with her feet. “I did badly on today’s math test.” The girl’s dad nodded slowly and then patted her on the head. “It’s alright. At the end of the day, a score is just a score.” The girl’s chin wobbled as she forced back tears, her voice becoming distraught. “I know, but I still didn’t do as good as I wanted to.” Her dad gives her an uplifting smile, knowing how disappointed she was. “I know how hard you have been working, and I’m sure you will do better next time, Anni.” After a while of silence, they got up from the bench and turned around to walk back towards home. As they did, the girl’s dad gently put his hand on her shoulder. The girl’s eyes were red as she looked up at him. The dad had stopped walking now and was staring at her with pride In his eyes. They were so bright that she could swear that she saw the stars reflected in them. “You know, you’re going to do great things someday.” The girl stopped walking, and then in disbelief, responded, “Really? Do you think so?” The Dad nods thoughtfully. “You might not be the smartest, or the most talented,” her face falls. Then, in the stillness of the night, he took her hand in his. “But you are the strongest, most hardworking kid I have ever met.” “You are going to be late like usual!” my twin sister yells at me as she grabs her suitcase and runs out the door. “Yeah, I’m coming!” I say as I look through the window. My mom trails not far behind her as if checking that I had everything for the 4th time that day. As I look behind me, I see Dad’s picture on a small table. He was smiling, but there was a tired look in his eyes. It was the eyes of a parent who had worried about their child for too long. He had paid so much attention to us, on our grades, on our health, even the little things like exercising and making sure we got enough vitamin D. He was thinking about us day and night, then he forgot to take care of himself. Reaching out, I gently took the framed photo in my hands. “Dad, I know you have been waiting for this moment for a while now.” Tears filled my eyes as I remembered how once, my dad’s eyes had lit up with happiness and pride. Bending down, I placed the framed photo gently back on the table. My voice is shaking. I whisper, barely audible, “I know you can’t be here, but I know that you are still watching over me.” I allow myself to glance one last time at the photo. I hope you’re proud of me Dad, I think, as I wipe away the tears streaking down my cheeks and walk out the door. In front of my sister and me was the judging room. Even with the doors of the room closed, you could still hear the faint murmurs of static voices from the documentaries being played. Outside, the hallways were filled with nervous tension, so tight, the air felt hard to breathe. I just sat there, not knowing what to do as each participant’s number was called into the room. As the lights in the Judging room slowly came back on, one of the judges came outside. As she did, all of the eyes in the hallway instantly focused on her, wondering if it was finally their turn. “Number 813, would you please come in?” I rose. It was finally my turn. A huge stage filled the center of the room. And of course, on the stage was a white screen, with my documentary already set up and ready to play. Above me, there was a dome-shaped ceiling that allowed sounds to echo, to be heard from the back of the room, where the eyes of the judges and the other contestants would be staring at me. All I could hear was the crashing rhythm of my heartbeat. My legs shook as I walked across the stage. Time seemed to slow, and I was back in the front yard of my home, with my dad’s lifeless body on the grass. I can’t move. My breaths come in faster and faster, a rushing tide breaking all the barriers I had once constructed. “Are you alright?” One of the voices of the judges below cuts through the room, breaking the memory. I lift my head and force a smile, but my voice is weak, and uncertain when I respond that I am fine. As one of the judges presses a button on her keyboard, the images on the screen flash to life. Memories of Long sleepless nights of work, of missing him, of crying, all replayed in my head. As each image flashed by, I saw myself sitting there in that old-torn-up leather armchair, my eyes trained on the laptop screen as if a magnetic force pulled me, not allowing me to look away. My heart thumps in my chest excitedly. Now, the same excitement and thrill races through my body as I watch the final scene of my documentary unfold. Despite everything that happened to me, I was still able to wipe away the tears and force a smile. I still finished that documentary and was able to stand here, in front of everyone. As the screen slowly fades into blackness, my nervousness does too. Soon, my heart no longer beats in my chest like a drum. My legs stop trembling too. Gritting my teeth, I force myself to focus and look into the eyes of the judges. I have worked so hard to get here. I am not going to give in now, I think, as all the gazes of the judges lift from their pieces of paper up towards me. Their dark eyes are questioning, as if they could see through me, and all the things I could not accomplish. “Okay, so we are going to ask you a few questions now, sounds good?” My mouth widens into a smile, but it’s not forced this time. It’s one of confidence, of sureness, of strength. To my utter shock, my voice cuts through the room, calm and clear: “Alright”. As the results of the winners for each category were announced one by one, I felt like I waited for an eternity before the speaker finally got to the documentaries. By then, the speaker's voice had already become hoarse and dry. “Alright, last but not least, our documentaries!” I look up. I spot my sister, sitting in one of the seats above the gymnasium. Instantly, she notices my gaze and smiles an encouraging grin, throwing me a thumbs-up. I smile uncontrollably, and the knot inside my chest instantly loosens. Through all my long nights of editing and researching in the past week, it was my sister who filled the once-empty seat next to me. She constantly supported me no matter what happened. She never gave up on me, even when I did. I breathe in and out slowly, trying to control the thumping of my racing heart. The chattering noise of all the other contestants soon fades behind me. Only one voice matters at this moment. “The winner for this year's documentary category is...” An unfamiliar name rings throughout the room, and a cry of joy eruptes from the girl right next to me, her face lighting up with happiness as she runs to get her award. My heart sinks, I feel the complete opposite of what I just witnessed. My shoulders slump, and I could no longer look at anyone else as I stare down at the floor. I expected to feel something, anything, but only nothingness filled me. Time seems to slow as the numbness creeps into my bones, locking in the familiar sadness I had felt as a little girl when the exam results were not what I wanted. Back then, I had my dad’s hand to hold, telling me that everything would be alright. That I will be alright. Time speeds up, moving so fast that I could barely comprehend the world forming around me. I am lost in the sea of unfamiliar faces and shapes as I feel the coldness in my hand, the emptiness that is there. Like a sinking rock in the river, the control I once had fell away as tears flowed down my cheeks. Wanting to wipe them away, I uncurl my fingers which were balled into tight fists. Just then, a hand wraps into mine. The sudden rush of warmth startles me as my mom, as if appearing out of thin air holds me close. She found me. The coldness, its icy claws digging into me, gradually loosens its grip as I look into those eyes, full of warmth and pride. Her voice shaking, my mom says with tears in her eyes, “Dad would have been so proud of you”. I soak in the warmth, letting it fill my body, melting away the disappointment frozen in my bones. My heartbeat slows, and my hands stop shaking. My dad’s faraway voice, from some distant memory, rings in my ears. You are the strongest, most hardworking kid I have ever met. As my mom pulled me into a tight embrace, I knew that I might not have won anything to prove that, but I knew that I had never given up, not once. Not when the long nights of editing left me sleepless and tired, not when my number one supporter suddenly left me. I finished making something beautiful, out of clips in history, out of memories lost in time. Through the end of this long and grueling process, I learned to believe in myself, to feel confident, knowing that I have been fully supported by those who love me deeply, their warmth a soft glow, illuminating the darkest corners of my heart. A while later, we all walk out of the building and into the embrace of the open night sky. The stars come alive tonight as they gather in the darkening sky, weaving a celestial tapestry of twinkling jewels. My dad might not have been here, holding me, but I knew he was one of them now, watching me from above. I do not need any validation to prove the meaningfulness of my work, because when I look up, I can see my dad smiling down at me, his twinkling eyes full of pride, reflecting mine. "




Certainly! Here's the translation of the essay into Chinese:




















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