
唵啊吽 (热门博主)
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ccheree.com http://www.talkcc.org/article/919041




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饶恕 回复 悄悄话 只有圣经才是最强调人的价值的。人是上帝的特殊创造,是祂的至爱。尊贵于一切有血气的活物。人在地上的目的是“修理看守”。所以人本应该是地上的王。但人常常不达目标——被好看的果子(物欲)诱惑,常常成为物欲的奴隶——是奴隶就不是王了。而只有与上帝连通,才能得胜为王——也就是说,树枝要与树连在一起才有生命,人要与上帝连通才有价值。而上帝,是至高者。人要听命的,只有上帝。这样人的价值还不够高么?一定要高过上帝才够高?
nightrose 回复 悄悄话 马斯洛需要层次理论的最上层是自我实现的需要,他对此需要的描述很具体,而且并不依赖于宗教或者信仰。
  ◆ 道德
  ◆ 创造力
  ◆ 自觉性
  ◆ 问题解决能力
  ◆ 公正度
  ◆ 接受现实能力
firm 回复 悄悄话 所谓人本主义,依然是依赖专制统治的奴性,是产生专制独裁的温床。
鸡毛蒜皮 回复 悄悄话 Have you heard of Universal Unitarian?
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 一段通讯,如何成为人本主义牧师

甲:Thanks for the email. I have been contemplating on establishing a church for a while. A church that is more positive thinking, not a superstitious one like everyone else.

Traditional churches, east and west, all have this notion of a supreme being above us, who controls the universe, who controls our fate, and we have to obey their "rules" in order to get rewarded after death. While it provides psychological comfort to people who do not want to take responsibility of this word, it can also easily be taken advantage of by intelligent but manipulative leaders to control the mass population for their own political agenda.

We know very well the notion of God was created by human beings. And "God's rules" are created by leaders in the name of God. The reason religion is so popular is the mental happiness it provides to lazy people who don't want to work hard but want a comfort life after death. The good side of religion is when people follow churches' rules - generally good - society becomes relatively stable.

However, in case churches' teachings are bad, devotees can reck havoc in this world. In today's world, we see wars, conflicts, terrorism, all stem from bad guidance from some religious groups.

I think it is possible to establish a religion that would be universal, that is scientific and not superstitious, that will unite everyone in the word together, all the time having the same notion of a God All Mighty and life after death.

Now, let me know if that fits your vision and if you are interested in forming a new religion together with me and other Chinese activists. We can start within the Chinese community, unite the Chinese in America first, get more group power, gain status such as Jewish people. I have been searching for people with same vision for a long time to start some organization for Chinese in America.

乙:You can start a Humanism church If you are in US. I once saw on the net that you can get a start kit and certified minister for humanism religion. It is government recognized religion without supernature.


However, not every contry qualify humanism as religion.

甲:Thanks for the link. I never heard of it before so it is an eye opener for me.

However, it is still under some organization. Basically when you establish a Humanism church you will be under their guidance. I was thinking of establishing something entirely new, different from Humanism church. It's more of a scientific and contemporary doctrine, and a more positive thinking one than Humanism church.

Do you have any idea on how to establish a church for Chinese in America? You are the one who wrote the article about how importan churches unite different goups in the U.S. to gain political power, right?

乙:Please do a "Religious humanism" search. If my memery serves me well, there should be a start kit and certification so that you can start your own independent Humanism Church immediately.

From my opinion, (seehttp://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200604&postID=319 andhttp://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200604&postID=206) Chinese up hold Humanism more ready than the west. Once you started, it will prevail, just like Budhism is up holded by Chinese.

Of course, you can start a 儒教 church, but it will not be universal. Believe me, if you started Humanism church within Chinese, it will grow faster and eventually will be a major religion of China.

Some useful links:

There may be grants can be applied to start a Humanism group.http://www.humaniststudies.org/fund/index.html

Here is a link that you can become a Humanism Clergyhttp://www.spiritualhumanism.org/
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 unix 的疑问在西方是带有普遍性的疑问。西方以资本主义反对共产主义,在某种程度上就是基督教反对无神论。所以,美国许多心理学家和哲学家由于其观点基本是无神论的,在麦卡锡时代都被打成共产党而遭迫害。


哥伦比亚大学哲学教授Corliss Lamont 在人本主义哲学一文中专门讲述unix 关心的“人本主义如何解释和回答人生中那些最基本的问题”。这里是网址:
unix 回复 悄悄话 人本主义在本质依然是无神论的物质主义.
人本主义如何解释和回答人生中那些最基本的问题? 一个宗教只有给人类提供了对现实的真实描述,才有可能回答那些问题。

唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 另一段对话.儒家学说是人本主义
甲: how did you find about Humanism religion?
乙 :http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200607&postID=11677
in 1987
Corliss Lamont was a professor in Columbia University, Philosophy Depart.
I read the his "Philosophy of Humanism". They are struggling with west culture. But for Chinese, Its a nature religion.
I once try to talk a philosophy professor in NYU, and he said China has the Humanism philosophy for a long time.
so its much easy for Chinese to grow the humanism religion than by the west. However, the west has a rich literature in humanism, in the modern terms.

Lamont's article a little too long can you briefly summarize for me?
8 minutes

乙: It reviewed a lot of famous philosophise in history, and augured that moral and ethic judgement can be established without super nature God.
The west hate Chinese in part is because Chinese do not believe in God. And the think every one without God is evil.
The humanism, if you read Lamont, is not accepted in the west culture.
So don't be afraid of getting American establish your humanism church,
They will thank you for doing so.
And developed Humanism in Chinese community, even in China, has a very bright future.
All Lamont want to proof is that Human can have a good moral and ethic standard withou God.
甲: Lamont has the same vision I have
with a slight difference
I understand God is a creation of humans to make themselves feel comfortable
just like Santa Claus is created to fool kids, adults created God to fool themselves
but if people find the notion of God comforting, hey, I'll give you that
According to western religion, God has power to give life, to create universe. And there is an entity in the world capable of doing it: entire human race
according to western religion, there is life after death. well, there is life after death: our children carry our genes and our knowledge. our life continues in our children
乙: So don't be afraid of getting helps from American to establish your humanism church,
甲: that's a good idea. I'll get help from them to start, but I can inject my own notion
乙: Humanism is an exception of all western religion
They will well come Confuciouse and Daoism literature to enrich their humanism ideals.
welcom, I mean
甲: cool. hey I got to go to lunch now. I'll check back with you soon
乙: They know China has long history of humanism.