
笨狼 (热门博主)
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(2019-06-09 17:38:37) 下一个
首先,《纽时》说所谓在处置难民的让步,其实是墨西哥早就应允的,与这次淳朴发旋无关(Mexico Agreed to Take Border Actions Months Before Trump Announced Tariff Deal)。其次,《彭博》说墨西哥压根儿没答应增加农作物采购(Mexico Doesn't Back Up Trump's Twitter Claims of Big Farm Deal
连不那么尖刻的《合众社》也只是说墨西哥许诺的微不足道,只够满足淳朴竞选的虚荣心(US-Mexico deal offers few new solutions, political victory)。如果有什么是常见的伎俩,就是谁都不知道他想的是什么,接受还是不接受,他自己的班子不知道,外人是根本不能知道。
另一个情形,就是淳朴自己想要什么,他自己也不知道,大家千方百计猜,属于徒劳。他本人绝对没能力,也不在乎,对方的让步是实质性的,还是形式的,无关紧要,《纽时》政坛记者Peter Baker总结如下(A Drama of Trump’s Own Making Ends With a Familiar Hero
Nine days in spring offered a case study in Mr. Trump’s approach to some of the most daunting issues confronting him and the nation: When the goal seems frustratingly out of reach through traditional means, threaten drastic action, set a deadline, demand concessions, cut a deal — real or imagined — avert the dire outcome and declare victory.
If nothing else, he forces attention on the issue at hand. Whether the approach yields sustainable results seem less certain. These are often dramas of his own making, with him naturally the hero. He stakes out maximalist positions and issues brutal ultimatums to compel action, arguing that extreme problems demand extreme tactics. At times, though, it can seem like little more than smoke and mirrors substituting for serious policymaking, a way of pretending to make progress without actually solving the underlying problem.
这跟我昨天引用外交老手哈斯(Richard Haass)的说法一模一样:
这是《华尔街日报》的说法(For Trump, Threats Become Part of Diplomatic Playbook):
Critics see it another way: as unbecoming of a superpower and ultimately undermining America's standing if it is perceived as too quick to make threats, which then appear empty if they aren't followed through. Mr. Trump several times, for instance, has threatened to close the southern U.S. border to stem the flow of illegal migrants -- at one point saying, "I'm not playing games" -- but so far hasn't done so
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gwangmsn 回复 悄悄话 笨狼挺聪明的,可改名聪明的狼了
hagerty 回复 悄悄话 有意思,早上听npr的广播还真提到了美墨协议对中国的影响。说的还真准。
pltc63 回复 悄悄话 床铺一天三变,对他的举措就是以不变来应对他!
secuncle 回复 悄悄话 挺爱写时评的,天天写,就不能有些自己的想法吗。当个主媒传声机就没意思了。
不开窍 回复 悄悄话 晚投降也好, 比不投降好.
ahhhh 回复 悄悄话 答应的事,不执行不也是正常?中国入世贸的时候的承诺到现在也没落实。
hbyzy 回复 悄悄话 跪着活着好美
wangtora 回复 悄悄话 教训是投降要趁早。