The coming debt bust(附录
研究机构龙洲经讯(Gavekal Dragonomics)的高管Arthur R. Kroeber(
参见,《中国经济季刊China Economic Quarterly)主编,布鲁金斯学会
It is a question of when, not if, real trouble will hit in China
CHINA was right to turn on the credit taps to prop up growth after the global financial crisis. It was wrong not to turn them off again. The country’s debt has increased just as quickly over the past two years as in the two years after the 2008 crunch. Its debt-to-GDP ratio has soared from 150% to nearly 260% over a decade, the kind of surge that is usually followed by a financial bust or an abrupt slowdown.
China will not be an exception to that rule. Problem loans have doubled in two years and, officially, are already 5.5% of banks’ total lending. The reality is grimmer. Roughly two-fifths of new debt is swallowed by interest on existing loans; in 2014, 16% of the 1,000 biggest Chinese firms owed more in interest than they earned before tax. China requires more and more credit to generate less and less growth: it now takes nearly four yuan of new borrowing to generate one yuan of additional GDP, up from just over one yuan of credit before the financial crisis. With the government’s connivance, debt levels can probably keep climbing for a while, perhaps even for a few more years. But not for ever.
When the debt cycle turns, both asset prices and the real economy will be in for a shock. That won’t be fun for anyone. It is true that China has been fastidious in capping its external liabilities (it is a net creditor). Its dangers are home-made. But the damage from a big Chinese credit blow-up would still be immense. China is the world’s second-biggest economy; its banking sector is the biggest, with assets equivalent to 40% of global GDP. Its stockmarkets, even after last year’s crash, are together worth $6 trillion, second only to America’s. And its bond market, at $7.5 trillion, is the world’s third-biggest and growing fast. A mere 2% devaluation of the yuan last summer sent global stockmarkets crashing; a bigger bust would do far worse. A mild economic slowdown caused trouble for commodity exporters around the world; a hard landing would be painful for all those who benefit from Chinese demand.
Brace, brace
Optimists have drawn comfort from two ideas. First, over three-plus decades of reform, China’s officials have consistently shown that once they identified problems, they had the will and skill to fix them. Second, control of the financial system—the state owns the major banks and most of their biggest debtors—gave them time to clean things up.
Both these sources of comfort are fading away. This is a government not so much guiding events as struggling to keep up with them. In the past year alone, China has spent nearly $200 billion to prop up the stockmarket; $65 billion of bank loans have gone bad; financial frauds have cost investors at least $20 billion; and $600 billion of capital has left the country. To help pump up growth, officials have inflated a property bubble. Debt is still expanding twice as fast as the economy.
At the same time, as our special report this week shows, the government’s grip on finance is slipping. Despite repeated efforts to restrain them, loosely regulated forms of lending are growing quickly: such “shadow assets” have increased by more than 30% annually over the past three years. In theory, shadow banks diversify sources of credit and spread risk away from the regular banks. In practice, the lines between the shadow and formal banking systems are badly blurred.
That creates two risks. The first is higher-than-expected losses for the banks. Hungry for profits in a slowing economy, plenty of Chinese banks have mis-categorised risky loans as investments to dodge scrutiny and lessen capital requirements. These shadow loans were worth roughly 16% of standard loans in mid-2015, up from just 4% in 2012. The second risk is liquidity. The banks have become ever more reliant on “wealth management products”, whereby they pay higher rates for what are, in effect, short-term deposits and put them into longer-term assets. For years China restricted bank loans to less than 75% of their deposit base, ensuring that they had plenty of cash in reserve. Now the real level is nearing 100%, a threshold where a sudden shortage in funding—the classic precursor to banking crises—is well within the realm of possibility. Midsized banks have been the most active in expanding; they are the place to look for sudden trouble.
The end to China’s debt build-up would not look exactly like past financial blow-ups. China’s shadow-banking system is big, but it has not spawned any products nearly as complex or international in reach as America’s bundles of subprime mortgages in 2008. Its relatively insulated financial system means that parallels with the 1997-98 Asian crisis, in which countries from Thailand to South Korea borrowed too much from abroad, are thin. Some worry that China will look like Japan in the 1990s, slowly grinding towards stagnation. But its financial system is more chaotic, with more pressure for capital outflows, than was Japan’s; a Chinese crisis is likely to be sharper and more sudden than Japan’s chronic malaise.
One thing is certain. The longer China delays a reckoning with its problems, the more severe the eventual consequences will be. For a start, it should plan for turmoil. Policy co-ordination was appalling during last year’s stockmarket crash; regulators must work out in advance who monitors what and prepare emergency responses. Rather than deploying both fiscal and monetary stimulus to keep growth above the official target of at least 6.5% this year (which is, in any event, unnecessarily fast), the government should save its firepower for a real calamity. The central bank should also put on ice its plans to internationalise the yuan; a premature opening of the capital account would lead only to big outflows and bigger trouble, when the financial system is already on shaky ground.
Most important, China must start to curb the relentless rise of debt. The assumption that the government of Xi Jinping will keep bailing out its banks, borrowers and depositors is pervasive—and not just in China itself. It must tolerate more defaults, close failed companies and let growth sag. This will be tough, but it is too late for China to avoid pain. The task now is to avert something far worse.
What is a hard landing? Can you re-land hard if you’ve already landed hard? What about just landing harder? Or what about a long hard landing?
The phrasing here is getting awkward, as is the real point, which is the concern that the hardest Chinese landing is yet to come.
You can see why it’s on people’s minds: Chinese reforms have been less than impressive, there’s a general consensus that its record breaking debt load is bad (for a given definition of bad that normally doesn’t include an immediate crisis), and credit growth is still heading up. Take this from Bernstein’s metals and mining team on Monday for example:
The response to the crisis of 2014/2015 appears to be greater than the response to the financial crisis of 2008/9. Between November 2008 and November 2009 total domestic credit expanded from 36.3Trn RMB to 48.4Trn RMB, a change of 12.1Trn or ~34.4% of 2009 GDP. Between February 2015 and February 2016 domestic credit has grown from 111.2Trn RMB to 139.2Trn, a swing of 27.9Trn, or ~40.4% of GDP.
The evidence for this can also be found in the money supply growth figures and the growth in the assets and liabilities on the balance sheets of Chinese banks. M2 money supply growth has recovered from trough levels witnessed in mid-2015. However, it is M1 money supply growth – the measure of the more liquid component of the money supply – that has really taken off. Meanwhile, we have seen a surge in the growth of Chinese domestic banks’ assets and liabilities since the start of 2015.

Again, that seems pretty bad.
Which leaves us to ask, where hard landings are concerned: how would you describe what we’ve already experienced?
Speaking of, you may remember this:

And, even if you don’t, here’s SocGen’s opening few pars:
Our core scenario is that China will grow by 7.4% in 2013. There is still a chance however that China could land hard, with growth of less than 6%.
A survey of global investors suggests that most underestimate how much asset prices would fall if China does land hard.
We believe base metals could drop 50%, while the USD rallies and treasuries outperform other debt markets and global equity markets.
We thought some compare and contrast might be in order.
To be clear, this isn’t meant as a shot at SocGen. Frankly, they did a pretty good job mapping this stuff out and were admirably sceptical about China’s growth path. And they got the primary issue right, that it’s “the top leaders’ choices during the difficult times ahead that will determine the fate of the Chinese economy.”
This post is more to underline that by many definitions — and discounting internally generated stats which, as you know, aren’t the cleanest of measures in China, even if China protests that assumption — we have already had what might be described as a ‘hard landing’.
We’re not saying, for example, that the path of GDP growth has followed SocGen’s bad landing scenario but it’s interesting that the effects of such a fall appear to have played out, at least in part, via asset prices we can track.

In short, it’s all just another unsubtle probing of whether our readers should already have cracked each other’s heads open and feasted on the goo inside. Or whether they should be saving the goo for a later date.
Here’s what SocGen predicted would happen if China suffered a hard landing back in 2013 (defined variously in the report as growth below 6 per cent, and growth of around 4 per cent):
- As already mentioned, base metals could drop 50 per cent, but “the impact would be less than in the Lehman bankruptcy, when copper prices dropped by almost 75%.”
- Gold would bounce to begin with but “but since Chinese savers are big buyers of gold, the impact here could also be short lived.” They think that prices would rise around 15% to over $1900/oz but then drop very quickly.
- Brent is expected to drop by 30 per cent, with the drop limited to $35 with OPEC to cut production if China lands hard.
- The dollar would strengthen by 10 per cent in the first year despite easing by the Fed, with Kit Juckes arguing that “the closest historical parallel to a China hard landing would be the Asian currency crisis, when the dollar rose 12% against the yen and more than a third against the Australian dollar.” EM currencies would also suffer.
- The PBoC would allow some RMB depreciation — and it could easily shoot up to RMB7, a 10 per cent nominal depreciation — but then steady it to prevent capital flight.
- China’s FX reserves would “probably stop rising or even decline”.
- The PBoC would both slash the Reserve Requirement Ratio (RRR) and conduct sizeable repo operations to ensure ample liquidity, which would lead to lower money market fixings. They “conservatively” estimated “that the RRR would be cut by 4.5% from 20% to the post-Lehman low of 15.5%.”
- H shares would drop maybe 50 per cent, back to 2006 levels.
- Treasuries would remain supported, due to weaker growth, central bank easing and capital flows out of Asia.
- European equities would fall by as much as 20 per cent.
- And they think that a slump in Chinese growth would “trim global growth from 2.7% to 1.1%” and that’s including the mitigating effect of their forecasted fall in oil prices.
So… what did we get? And, yes, we have to admit that this is somewhat of an exercise in futility because each of these moves has been influenced by other factors. But since we are kind of stuck on the raw data stuff with China it’s the effects of its slowdown which we have to rely on. Even taking the multiple-causes of every move into account, the magnitude of some of these makes pointing to China as a prime cause pretty easy.
Here’s a SocGen table on metals and oil to start. It gives us the prices as of January 7 2013 and their expected prices one month after a hard landing:

First copper: It was at $8,000/tn (as all of the metals here are bar gold) and was predicted to fall to $4,500 within the first quarter of a hard landing. It didn’t manage that on SocGen’s timetable, but it got close in the first quarter of this year, hitting a low of $4,331. We’re using the 3mth LME prices here:

Aluminium was at $2,011 and was predicted to hit $1,350. It hit a low of $1,434 in November 2015.

Zinc was at $2,010 and was to fall to $1,150. It didn’t and is holding under $1,900 today. The lowest it got was $1,468 in January. Still though, that’s a fall of about 27 per cent.

Lead was at $2,283 and was to fall to $1,250. It didn’t quite manage that and is now at about $1,750. It’s low point in November last year was $1,575, a drop of 30 per cent since SocGen’s original call.

Nickel was at $17,190 and was to hit $10,000. It didn’t in the first quarter but did so with aplomb more recently. It’s currently at $9,100.

Tin was at $23,743 and was supposed to hit $12,000 in the first quarter of a Chinese hard landing. It didn’t. It came close though, nearly touching $13,000 in January of this year for a drop of 41 per cent. It’s off 26 per cent from SocGen’s 2013 price today.

Gold was at $1,660/oz and was to hit $1,963 in the first quarter of a hard landing before dropping very quickly. However it popped to just $1,691 on January 22 2013 before falling to a low of $1,062 on December 17 2015 — a more dramatic 36 per cent fall. The broad direction seems about right then.

Brent was at $111 per barrel and was to drop to $77. In reality and as we all know, it fell to a low of $27.88 on January 20 of this year for a drop of about 74 per cent. It currently sits at around $44, down 60 per cent from SocGen’s starting point.

The dollar was indeed broadly stronger and outdid SocGen’s expectations of a 10 per cent rise, before weakening a bit as the Fed got dovish. Here’s DXY, which was at 80 on January 7 2013. It hit 100.3 on March 13 2015 and is now at 94. So it’s up about 17.5 per cent having been up 25 per cent. EM currencies meanwhile suffered, hitting all time lows in January this year before recovering a bit.

And the dollar versus the RMB. It started at RMB6.12 before weakening to RMB6.59 and is now at RMB6.46. That’s pretty much “allow some RMB depreciation — and it could easily shoot up to RMB7, a 10 per cent nominal depreciation — but then steady it to prevent capital flight.”

Speaking of capital flight, China’s FX reserves (courtesy of Capital Economics) remain one of the major stories, reflecting as they do capital outflows/ flight. They’re down just a touch, exceeding SocGen’s qualitative prediction one imagines:

The RRR is closer to SocGen’s predicted 15.5 per cent and most won’t be surprised to see it fall further:

How about HShares? Well the HSCEI Index was at 11,937 points when this report came out and dropped to a low of 7,505 points by February 2016. That’s a fall of 37 per cent from SocGen’s original point. Today the index is about 9,000, off 23-ish per cent. So not quite the 50 per cent predicted by SocGen but hefty nonetheless and even more dramatic from that recent peak in the summer of 2015 – that’s a fall of 49 per cent peak to trough.

Treasuries have been broadly supported with caveats. Have a yield curve comparison, between January 2013 and now:

And European equities? They were to fall by as much as 20 per cent. Yeah, not quite.

Global growth meanwhile has obviously been effected by China’s slowdown (points for the oil price drop helped by shale etc and central bank action mitigating some of it of course) with the FT saying “that the drop in its growth rate from an expansion of more than 10 per cent in 2010 to 6.3 per cent expected this year has directly knocked about 0.75 percentage points off the global growth rate.” But we’ll just leave you with the latest IMF projections on that, and some broader analysis on indirect effects from the same place.
Overall then there is a strong case to be made that the rest of the world has already experienced a Chinese ‘hard landing’ of sorts, based on that original SocGen note.
Which we suppose is good news since the world didn’t actually end.
Thing is, so far it hasn’t looked like a hard landing from within a China that has the levers to manage employment and widespread financial instability.
It has avoided those things — while starting to talk up new supply side reforms — by pressing on the old levers of credit stimulus. That, of course, risks making any future reckoning all the more dangerous.
As SocGen’s Wei Yao said in a 2014 update to their hard landing report: “The easy but dangerous choice would be for Beijing to repeat the post-Lehman package of massive state-driven lending and investment facilitated by ultra-low interest rates and ample liquidity.”
Awkward, but as said above, most analysts think that China has the tools to manage short term risks. It’s just the longer term risks we have to worry about then as China aims for some sort of long, as opposed to hard, landing.
Of course, there’s always the chance we are plain getting this wrong. As Bernstein’s Michael Parker said in a recent note:
Which brings us to the topic of the moment – accelerating credit formation growth and widening credit spreads. The explanations fall into the same categories they always fall into: Chinese policy is simple-minded and focused only on averting the immediate disaster; Chinese policy making is dysfunctional; Chinese policymakers have a plan… but that plan has not revealed itself to you yet. The incremental ~$1 trillion of credit pumped into the system since January looks, for all the world, like an enormous overreaction. However, it is just possible that Chinese policymakers – after getting so much right for the last 30 years – truly are crazy like a fox.
Either way, we might need to simply redefine hard landing as we go.