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  1 famille verte

  Famille verte is a term coined by jacquemart in the nineteenth century,and applies to the porcelain decorated in translucent enamels,among which green is dominant,iron red is opaque,but this rarely plays an important part in the decoration.

  Famille verte has two parts。One consists of ordinary overglaze decorated pieces,and the other of enamel on biscuit pieces,the distinctions between them not always being very clear?The enamel on biscuit type lends itself to slightly denser treatment and the use of white areas is drastically reduced?To the famille verte there may be limited additions of gold for some details,but gold does not normally occur on the enamel on biscuit type?Famille verte is applied only to types made from the seventeenth century onward(Kangxi period)which differ much in style from earlier wares?Famille verte has survived intermittently,having reached its apogee early in the eighteenth century.

  Famille noire and famille jaune are the variants under the general heading of famille verte?They use the same palette but the emphasis is either on the black or the yellow rather than the green,and in both cases these tend to be background colors Black is the dominant background color of famille noire,famille noire consisits of a dull black ground covered with a green enamel?Yellow is the dominant background color of famille janue.

  The five colored wares known as Wucai are complicated,as the blue had to be put on under the glaze and fired,and the enamel colores added and refired?Towards the end of the seventeenth century the use of underglaze blue in combination with the overglaze colors diminished。It is finally abandoned in favor of an overglaze blue,and it is to this type that the name truly applies.

  During the Kangxi period Wucai was replaced with the famille verte.


  Famille verte 主要是对清朝康熙时部分五彩瓷及其后时期五彩瓷和素三彩的统称,尤以指五彩瓷为多。在famille verte 中则又有famille noire 和famille jaune 的区分,前者是指墨地五彩,后者是指黄地五彩。对于康熙时期的五彩瓷,我们在翻译的时候都与一般五彩瓷同样对待,看不出二者的区别,但在国外学术界则是有严格的区分的。对于一般五彩瓷与 famille verte 的区分主要通过蓝彩是属于釉上彩还是釉下彩来做出的。一般五彩瓷,主要是指明代五彩瓷和清代早期五彩瓷,其中的蓝彩仍然是釉下蓝彩,也就是青花;而famille verte 中的蓝彩则是釉上彩。国内出版的大部分文物及相关图录或著作中的英文翻译中,对于康熙这一部分蓝彩为釉上彩的五彩瓷的译法与一般五彩瓷的译法一样,没有做出区分,而在国外的同类著作中,则能看到明显的区分。


  a Famille verte plate painted with a kingfisher and lotus plants.


  b Famille verte saucer-dish painted with peach and pomegranate sprays and incised with dragons pursuing pearls among clouds.?


  c Famille noire vase painted with history stories.


  2 famille roes 粉彩


Famille rose is a term coined by Jacquemart in the nineteenth century and applise to a group of overglaze enameled porcelains which begins at the end of Kangxi?The edlicate rose pink which is characteristic of the group is an opaque color derived from colloidal gold?All the colors in the group are opaque and stand up more in relief than those of the famille verte translucent type?The wider palette and more meticulous style of painting possible?By about the middle of the eighteenth century western subjects became a popular novelty。This group of enamels is also known by its Chinese name yangcai or fencai??

  在目前能见到的汉英文物或考古词典中,都将famille rose 与famille verte 归在“粉彩”的条目之下,可见是将二者混淆了;此外还有直接用拼音“fen cai ”的。“粉彩”一词的英译当以国外学术界通用的译法为准,也就是译作famille rose。


  a Famille rose vase painted with flower scrolls??


  b Famille rose jar painted with landscape and figures

  3 peachbloom 豇豆红釉


  Peachbloom is the name of a reduced copper glaze effect developed in the Kangxi period?It is difficult to fire and so is used only on small vessels for the scholars table.Pieces are so fired as to produce a soft pinkish?red color,shading off to green in places?The effect is an expensive one to produce successfully,and all the best pieces are of the Kangxi period?The superintendent Zang Ying-xuan is generally credited with this innovation?Peachbloom is an extremely temperamental glaze used only for a small range of objects?There are eight vessels produced with this glaza?They are:a?coiled dragon vase,b?three?string vase,c chrysanthemum vase,d Guanyin vase,e semi spherical water pot (taibai zun),fappleshaped vase,g shallow brush washer,h seal-paste box


  Peachbloom 就是我们所说的豇豆红釉。国内出版物中基本上不用这一术语,而出现较多的是kidney-bean red,cowpea red 等,都是依照字面的意思来直译的。此外,由于豇豆红有多种不同的叫法,如美人醉、孩儿脸等,有时也就依照中文字面译作beatuys blush,childs face,其实所指的器物都是一种,而这些译法未见得就很科学,也不是通行的用法。其实peachbloom一词就是依照豇豆红的另一叫法“桃花片”而译出的,后成为这一种釉色品种通行的术语。


  a Peachbloom water pot incised with dragon roundels


  b Peachbloom chrysanthemum vase


  4Sancai 三彩?


  A name given to certain lead silicate glazing techniques?The term is the polychorme wares of Tang,Liao and Song Dynasties,the common colors being yellow,white and green,especially pointing to Tang Sancai?It is also named for Ming ploychrome wares that known as Ming Sancai,in which the dominant background is yellow,with a decoration incised into the body and colored green,later other colors are to added?Fahua,which is produced of Ming Dynasty,is also named Sancai


  三彩的译法有多种,常见的主要是tri-color 和three-color,这两种都是依据字面的意思来直译的,但并不准确,因为三彩的“三”并不代表这一品种只有三种颜色,而只是说明色彩较多而已。虽然在国外把唐三彩、辽三彩和宋三彩、以及明代三彩统称为三彩,但它们之间还是有所区别的。唐三彩用白色粘土作胎,用含铜、铁、钴、锰等金属元素的矿物作着色剂,釉色以黄、绿、白三色为主,同时还有蓝、紫等色。辽三彩受唐三彩的影响,多用黄、绿、白三色,它与唐三彩的区别主要是胎土不同,没有蓝色,施釉不交融,釉面少流淌现象。宋三彩指宋、金时期生产的低温彩色釉陶制品,在唐三彩和辽三彩的基础上,除黄、绿、白三色以外,还有艳红、乌黑等色,并新创了翡翠釉,但仍没有蓝色。明、清两代也生产三彩制品,以黄、绿、紫为主色,在涩胎上用彩釉填绘刻划好的图案,因其不用红彩,所以又有素三彩之称。素三彩始于明代,正德时期最为精致,清代康熙年间十分盛行。三彩的英译以拼音出之,更能直接表明意思,避免了其他英译表面意思带来的不必要的误解。?


  a?Sancai horse and groom of Tang Dynasty??


  b?Sancai tripod censer of Ming Dynasty??


  5?Wucai 五彩?


  Wucai is a term applied to procelain of the Ming and Qing Dynasties?It often decorated in underglaze blue and overglaze enamel colors such as red,green,yellow and black and occasionally wity a clear turquoise enamel as well?Blue is used like any other colors,but it is a underglaze color and other colors are overglaze?At the end of seventeenth century,Kangxi reigon of Qing Dynasty,Wucai eventually developed into famille verte??


  五彩的英译以five-colors 和polychrome 为多见,近来多采用Wucai 。Wucai 在国外学术界所指的主要是明代五彩瓷和清代早期五彩瓷,其中的蓝彩仍然是釉下蓝彩,也就是青花作为一种颜色来使用;之后的五彩瓷习惯上用famille verte来称呼。

  a?Wucai double-gourd wall vase painted with phoenix and flowers??


  b?Wucai pen?tray painted with dragons and phoenixs among clouds above waves??


  6?Doucai 斗彩

  Doucai is a term for porcelains of the Ming and Qing Dynasties decorated in a particularly refined and delicate style?It is a particular type of imperial ware developed during the Chenghua period of Ming Dynasty?It is a nice combination of underglaze blue painting and overglaze enamelling of a very superior king?The main outlines and some of the details are painted in underglaze blue and overglaze translucent enamels washed over to make the rest of the design??


  斗彩在以往的文献中英译为contrasted colors 和contending colors 较为多见,但这两种译法都不能够非常准确的反映出斗彩的确切涵义,因而还是以汉语拼音的Doucai 来指称更直接些,且已为大多数学者所接受。


  a Doucai cup painted with grapes


  b Doucai bowl painted with pheasants and peonys among stones?


  7Fahua 法花


  Fahua is also basically of Sancai?The decoration is normally outlined by threads or reticulated,and confined within the raised trail of slip or clay?The pieces usually have a turquoise or purple?blue ground and are decorated in ellow,white,and turquoise or blue with green interiors?Sometimes details such as the faces and hands of the figures ate left in the biscuitIn the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century they are of porcelain but this gradually turns to stoneware and earthenware


  a Fahua jar designed with the story of eight Taoist Immortals??


  b Fahua meiping designed with winged dragons above waves??






  Blue and white bowl painted with dragons and clouds,中文是“青花云龙纹碗”。可以看出,这一名称的表述方式是:釉彩品种+器型+工艺技法+纹饰,这是最为普遍的一般表述方式。再如Doucai cup painted with mandarin ducks in lotus pond(斗彩荷塘鸳鸯纹杯),也同样是这样的结构。?

  但有时候器型的修饰语比较长,为了照顾句子的平衡,就需要做一些相应的调整,如“青花釉里红花卉纹盖罐”按照上面的结构译成英语就是“Underglaze blue and red covered jar designed with flowers”,但这样的句子在英语语法里就会觉得十分别扭,显得头重脚轻,应该译成“Covered jar designed with flowers in underglaze blue and red ”。再如“黄地青花赶珠云龙纹碗”就要译成“Yellow ground bowl reserved in underglaze blue with dragons pursuing pearls among clouds”。?

  名称的表述有繁简两种情况,“简”则是只说明釉彩品种和器型即可,如红釉盘直接译为red glaze plate;而“繁”则是将器物的窑口、制作时代等一并加入,但如果表述的内容太多,则词组太长,这就需要用逗号加以分隔;如宋景德镇窑青白釉刻花碗译为:Qingbai glaze bowl carved with flowers,Jingdezhen kiln,Song dynasty。 再如明宣德景德镇窑青花人物纹瓶译为:Blue and white vase painted with figures under trees,jingdezhen kiln,mark and period of Xuande,Ming dynasty。
  再有就是中间表示“工艺技法”的词语的选用,要根据不同的情况选择不同的词语,这一词语的选择是以器物的主要工艺技法来确定的。如果一件器物使用多种工艺技法,则以其中最主要的一种来表述;如果纹饰在器物表面通体以绘画来表现,则用painted;如果纹饰既有平面的描绘,又有立体的雕塑,则用designed;如果纹饰以刻划为主,则用carved 或incised;……如此等等。

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