王利民 民声 Limin Wang People's Voice

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice

A Revolution of System

(2020-09-27 09:38:54) 下一个

A Revolution of System

by Limin Wang

September 27, 2020, Sunday

From the horrible sufferings of realistic experiences, I have thought long of a revolution of the old system(s) to establish a new social system. Within the noval system, the government, the people, and the business shall be the three major parties of the genuine check and balance of power. The central theme shall generally be about humans' interest. The government is to lead and rule; The people is to work and react; The business is to serve and distribute. Nobody will be left out of this system; Nobody can enjoy a luxury cannibalism life from this system.

Regarding the noval health care subsystem, I strongly recommend the following:

1. Education of Health and of Health Care. From middle school to high school to college, there shall be a minimum of one year of education on human anatomy, physiology, psychology, medicine, and the health care system during each of these three stages. The breadth and depth evolve along the human development stages.

2. Universal Health Care System. Level the health care fields of a whole country, for the sake of efficient delivery, portability, and administration. Medicare For All in the United States is a great idea, but the interactions among the three main parties shall be revolutionized.

3. Individual's Account. Each individual, from birth to death, has an account, including health care or exclusively for health care. Based on many general factors, such as age group, sex, etc, that all three main parties agree on, there shall be a general uplimit of the annual health care benefits. The account shall mainly be controlled by the individual, guided and monitored by the governmental agency, and pay the providers. The provider must timely provide the complete raw data of any instrumnental test and a medical report to the account for the individual's each and every visit, in addition to their own local originals. The account's medical record is always accessible to the government, the individual, and selectively accessible to a provider. A provider can request medical record, the individual can decide what to share, and the government may guide.  The account shall also be accessible to significant ones related with the individual. For encouraging the practice of one ounce's prevention is better than one pound's rescue, a fixed percentage of unused benefits shall be awarded to the individual.

4. Individual's Power. The government shall empower the people, so people can enjoy the real democracy and liberty. Individuals shall be able to freely choose any medical practitioner, regardless of Primary Care Physicians or specialists or diagnostic services or radiographic imaging. No referral or authorization shall be required! although a free consultation with the governmental agency shall be helpful, as long as the medical provider bid by the individual offers a fixed fair price tag on a specified service along the government guideline and within the individual's account annual benefit uplimit. Excess to the uplimit generally requires government authorization. Also, many medications, by government guideline, shall be directly accessible to the individuals without the requirement of a medical professional's prescription.

5. Library of Health. The government agency shall construct an online Library of Health with comprehensive coverage of all topics of health, and health care system, for the general people. This Library shall be easy to use and its content shall be easy to understand. For example, individuals can research about symptoms, can learn what's the usual and safe way to treat a specific situation by themselves, can find information about local providers, can know the general cost of a specific medical service, etc.

6. Definition of Medical Service. The main purpose of medical service should be a service, just like any other kind of service. It shall not be hard for interested people to take a career of medical service; It shall never be a business to further ruin people; It shall never be a blood-sucking vampire; It shall not crush either the government or the people. 

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王利民 回复 悄悄话 Mao's communism system during the Great Cultural Revolution is a higher version than the general system I have proposed here. Mao's system makes the government and the people work together on the business.