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7. 谁说美国医生不能拿红包?

(2009-09-18 07:48:49) 下一个










哪料到,美国上级医生听了他的汇报后,轻松一笑:“这是你和病人之间的私事,只要你们之间没问题,你拿多少红包,医院是不管的” 。


终于盼到了童姥姥复诊的那天。段医生决定要把这个大红包退给美国老人。童姥姥一看这架势,真的急了,老人的话显得有些语无伦次又格外坚决:“我无儿无女又来日不多,我正在慢慢处理自己的财产呢。你对我这么好,我不给你,给谁呀。你,你就收下吧。你要是真不放心,可以和我的律师联系。”看到眼前如此诚恳的美国老人,再想想上级医生对他的那番教诲,段医生心里想道“那,我就先拿着,就算满足一下老人家诚挚的心理需要吧。” 。


虽然银子已经入账,语嫣还是谨慎地把这笔钱束之高阁“咱先收着,就算替老人暂存。要是老人哪天反悔了,咱再还给她。”是啊,谁敢肯定八十多岁的老人不犯糊涂呢,童姥姥虽然送红包时态度十分诚恳,但也不能排除她是一时的感情冲动呢。做事冲动基本属于个人素质问题,和年龄是没有太大关系的。语嫣继续筹划着“咱先开个独立帐户,把这三万多存进去。如果事情有变,童姥姥反悔,大不了咱连本带利地再还给她。要是童姥姥百年千岁之后,还没有人找到咱头上,到那时,再花也不迟。咱也可以把这钱捐出去,赞助几个希望工程什么的。” 。


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XZ1980 回复 悄悄话 回复toobusy的评论:
The best way to choose Drs is in their practice. Not by test, or residency position interviews. In free market, Drs have to compete with other Drs, they have to provide good service at reasonable price to stay in the business. Because currently Drs’ organization artificially makes shortage of Drs, their job is guaranteed and price is inflated, or they do not have to provide good service to stay in business, because we have nowhere else to go.
Without addressing free market production of Drs, the healthcare reform will get nowhere.
xz1980 回复 悄悄话 回复toobusy的评论:
“the residency training in US has strict standards -- this is one of the reasons foreign doctors may (not all of them) need to redo their training, to ensure the quality of care.”
The problem is that, by limiting number of residency slots, Drs’ organization artificially make shortage of Drs allowed practice in US. The shortage breaks the balance of supply and demand that the Drs can artificially maintain their high salary. This is like you open a store, then you limit the number of stores of this kind allowed to be opened. This is monopoly.

“Also pls keep in mind that doctors in US pay very high tuitions for medical school, and get paid very little during their long residency training.”
How much is the tuition? It is just about college tuition of Ivy schools ($150k for 4 years). A specialist can pay off the tuition in 2-3 years, then enjoy the inflated salary for another 30 years. “paid very little during their long residency” How much those guys paid in PostDoc? BTW, there is no excuse for monopoly for anybody.

“if you lower their salary, then you will not be able to attract the bright students to the field of medicine. right now medical schools are very difficult to get into, and often attracts best students from collage.”
I am not talking about lowering their salary, their salary would never be there if determined by free market. “attract the bright students,” Do you think tests can select the best students, tests can only choose good students. We have plenty of good students. Most Drs’ work are routine work, they needs to be careful and responsible persons, a few positions need to brilliant but so is other professions. Real advancement of medicine depends on the ones developed MRI, CT and those magic drugs, we need brilliant people to be there.
toobusy 回复 悄悄话 我觉得此文严重失真并且misleading,正规的美国医院是不允许医生收取病人金钱的,礼物也只能收取不贵重的,纪念性质的。
toobusy 回复 悄悄话 回复XZ1980的评论:
the residency training in US has strict standards -- this is one of the reasons foreign doctors may (not all of them) need to redo their training, to ensure the quality of care.

Also pls keep in mind that doctors in US pay very high tuitions for medical school, and get paid very little during their long residency training. if you lower their salary, then you will not be able to attract the bright students to the field of medicine. right now medical schools are very difficult to get into, and often attracts best students from collage.

XZ1980 回复 悄悄话 回复紫萸香慢的评论:
Why you allow so many "江湖 airline companie exist," you are not afraid of this many "江湖 airline companies" to "摔死" you. Why not kill all the 江湖 airlines and allow only Ameriacan Airlines to fly?

Why you do not allow Homedepot to merge with Lowes? You are not afraid being killed by a falling house built with 江湖 building materials from "江湖 stores?"

Why you do not allow GE to merge with Honeywell, you are not afraid "江湖 engines made by so many 江湖 companies" send you to the bottom of the sea in no time?
XZ1980 回复 悄悄话 回复紫萸香慢的评论:
Why you allow so many "江湖 airline companie exist," you are not afraid of this many "江湖 airline companies" to "摔死" you. Why you do not allow Homedepot to merge with Lowes? You are not afraid being killed by a falling house built with 江湖 building materials from "江湖 stores."

Why you do not allow GE to merge with Honeywell, you are not afraid "江湖 engines made by so many 江湖 companies" send you to the bottom of the sea in no time.
XZ1980 回复 悄悄话 回复紫萸香慢的评论:
Yes, How do you know in the current monoply system, those Drs are not "江湖医生." In the free market, at least I have choice not see those "江湖医生." In the current system, those are the only Drs. we have.
紫萸香慢 回复 悄悄话 回复xz1980的评论:
free-market 医生。罢了,江湖医生多得是,您老先去试试看。
xz1980 回复 悄悄话 There are a lot of debates on the high healthcare cost in US. I believe the root reason of high health cost is the artificially inflated Dr's salary.

This problem primarily attributes to the AMA (American Medical Association), an institution which effectively enforces a chronic supply shortage of drs. The production system of Dr is strangled by the withholding nature of the AMA, which requires every dr practices in US to have residency in US (even for well experienced froeign Drs). On the other hand, the AMA restricted number of residency slots available. This environment prevents equilibrium of supply-demand from occurring, or the AMA effectively enforces a chronic supply shortage of Dr to the increasing demand. By eliminating competition, Drs can maintain high salary.

AMA’s monopoly on the production of Drs has to be removed. Let the free market decide the price. Capitalism is best at determining fair value when you don't have unions controlling supply of labor or politicians picking winners or greedy monopolies eliminating competition. In the free market environment, the Drs have to provide good service at reasonable price to stay in the market in which the consumer will benefit.

Without free market in the production of Dr, the country will be dragged deep to the sea. Any reform without changing current monopoly in production of Drs will not work.
JustBrowsing 回复 悄悄话 The only difference is that the lady gave the tip AFTER she was treated.