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领略绘画艺术的魅力 39 Ray Hendershot

(2009-11-25 14:35:06) 下一个

Ray Hendershot,The Pennsylvania countryside provides the subject matter for this watercolor artist. He is highly regarded for his detailed rural landscapes and antique still lifes. However, he explains, the real subject of his work is not the aging farm buildings, the rustic old mills or the antiquated crocks and jugs. The real subject is their surfaces. "I am intrigued by the texture of a crumbling stone wall, the splintered wood of an old wagon or the way the light reflects off a piece of hand-turned stoneware, the signs of many years of wear and hard use. Over the years, he has developed a number of texturing methods that he feels adequately depict these signs of aging.

Ray Hendershot works http://www.rayhendershot.com/index.html

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