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领略绘画艺术的魅力 18jeremy lipking

(2009-11-19 20:15:47) 下一个

jeremy lipking 杰里米, 美国,1975年生于加利福尼亚州,父亲是插图画家。早期对艺术的接触,成为他艺术教育的重要一环。他就读加州艺术学院,目前仍在该校任教。他创作的人物肖像,风景和静物,观察敏锐,色调细微,画风古典,浪漫。是全美首屈一指的现实主义的趋近于绘画大师的代表人物。评论家认为,他的天赋可与萨金特,华金·索罗利亚-巴斯蒂达,佐恩 (John Singer Sargent,Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida and Anders Zorn) 等艺术大师比肩。作品多次获得重要奖项。是加州艺术俱乐部签约会员。下面一段对于写实的描述有助于我们更好理解: Realism has been misunderstood through most of the twentieth century as an art of imitation. In truth, when practiced by a painter like Jeremy Lipking, realist painting is a powerful creative force. Many viewers are drawn to his art thinking that it looks just like a photograph. Actually Lipking's vision is the opposite of what a camera does. A photograph tends to flatten an image, reducing all relationships of color and shade to a stiff mechanical pattern. Lipking's skill lies in his ability to probe in and around his subject. With a highly sensitive eye, he sees nuances of value and hue that the camera and most people can never see. More incredibly, he is able to translate his highly nuanced vision into a painted image. Lipking's true subject is his pictorial fluency. Seeing one of his paintings involves entering into the pictorial world he has created. Like all great realists, he has the ability to generate powerful fictions.

his works http://www.lipking.com/

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