
老农只有一亩薄田。 老农除养家糊口外,还想胡诌几句。老农的所见所闻,可能对大家有点用。。。


(2014-01-10 18:16:51) 下一个
白宫的回复让人不爽。大意是 “ABC广播的“杀华”言论不代表美国主流管点。ABC有言论自由,受宪法第一修正案保护。” 白宫没有谴责杀人的言论,没有说反对宣传暴力。立场很有问题。


What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel

Thank you for your petition. Your petition requested an apology from those involved, and to "cut the show."

The parties involved have already apologized independently. Jimmy Kimmel has apologized on-air, and issued a written apology. ABC has removed the skit from future broadcasts, taken the clip down from online platforms, and detailed several changes in its programming review process in response to this incident. You can find more about Jimmy Kimmel's apology here, and ABC's apology here.

On a broader level, as the President has stated publicly, the United States welcomes the continuing peaceful rise of China. The comments you are writing about do not reflect mainstream views of China in the United States. 

The Federal government cannot force ABC to remove this show. The First Amendment of the Constitution protects free speech, even if individuals might personally find it offensive or distasteful. It may be upsetting when people say things we might personally disagree with, but the principle of protected free speech is an important part of who we are as a nation.

If you think this issue merits additional scrutiny, you may file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission by visiting FCC.gov/Complaints. The FCC is an independent agency that regulates the airwaves without input or consideration from the White House.

Tell us what you think about this petition response and We the People.

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阅读 ()评论 (11)
无知无为 回复 悄悄话 美国人连总统、连耶稣也该杀,蠢民们不要为小屁孩的一句屁话而动了肝火,实在不值得。这可以解读为耻感文化的一种义气显现,个人没有义务为其他人或整个族人负责。在美国就学一点美国人的哲学。
路过路人 回复 悄悄话 中国都不好好抗议,唉,无语。。。
武胜 回复 悄悄话 官僚式的回应。大都是程式性内容,唯有第二段"欢迎中国和平崛起"算是表达观点,却又毫不切题。
非否非 回复 悄悄话 “杀光中国人”,怎能与“杀光犹太人”同日而语?
康无为 回复 悄悄话 ”individuals might personally find it offensive“ 意思就是这不是你们所说的种族问题,只是个人感受而已。老美的辞令啊。
一管之见 回复 悄悄话 我觉得白宫的表态也没怎么带偏见。美国政府须按宪法行事,不象中国政府的权那么大。ABC出面道歉,表示将采取措施避免类似事件再度发生,这也交代得过去了。
gongping900 回复 悄悄话 我觉得WH的RESPONSE很得体。 如果还不满意,那你就需走司法途径。 当年尼可松说 NEW YORK TIMES 的报道泄漏了他的国家机密,很生气,但也只能去法院打官司。 最后,美国最高法院也是以言论自由受宪法保护为依据判总统尼可松败诉。

这就是美国. 他们的宪法不是一张废纸.
YukongZhao 回复 悄悄话 白宫应该谴责这种言论才为妥当。
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 选举要拒绝投票民主党人的票,那些在鸡毛秀事件中站出来为华裔说话的除外。
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 说“ABC不代表美国主流观点”和问题不相关。不是观点问题,是政治上不正确的问题。言论自由,谁有什么观点都可以,就是不可以挑战人类良心底线。
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 媒体是天然垄断行业,美国几大媒体是寡头市场,就这么两三家大媒体占领了美国99%的观众。说“ABC不代表美国主流媒体”不符合美国实际现状。