
老农只有一亩薄田。 老农除养家糊口外,还想胡诌几句。老农的所见所闻,可能对大家有点用。。。


(2009-08-14 16:37:19) 下一个

Television ( 多看电视 ) = Obese Child (肥胖儿童)

Sweet Tea (甜味凉茶) = Liquid Sugar (液体蔗糖)

Hamburger (汉堡肉包) = Spare Tire (满腰肥膘)

French Fries (油炸薯条) = Thunder Thighs (响肉肥腿)

杰森的口号简单直接,起到了给民众警示的效果。 杰森的口号有时还直接点著名快餐店的名,如KFC,但未有纠纷。

杰森再接再厉,又创造了一条新口号:America Dies on Dunkin. (美国亡于Dunkin甜面圈)。这与Dunkin面圈店的广告词(America Runs on Dunkin,Dunkin甜面圈驱动美国)相反。Dunkin面圈店的甜面圈以又甜又油在美国家喻户晓(我家小孩可喜欢呢)。

杰森的这条标语在当地引起了反应。Dunkin面圈店是当地为数颇多的连锁店,每年都为县里创造不少税收和工作机会。更不妙的是,有一位县专员和两位有势力的律师也开甜面圈店,他们扬言要和卫生局打官司。在各方面的压力下, 杰森不得不撤下电子标语。

又过不久, 杰森的上司找了个理由把杰森解雇了。 杰森失去了年薪140,000美元的工作。

杰森为了公益,不小心惹了县里的shareholders (大股东),最后丢了工作。做工益口号,也得小心。


Reference:The Washington Examiner

• 很形象,其实这是美国真正的写照 -王剑- ♂ 给 王剑 发送悄悄话 王剑 的个人博客首页 (44 bytes) (86 reads) 8/14/09 
• 应该是得罪了 -woth- ♀ 给 woth 发送悄悄话 woth 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 8/14/09 
• 现在的特殊利益集团都支持OBAMA呢.当然,OBAMA只会说是misspoke -临江县知县给 临江县知县 发送悄悄话 创建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 8/14/09 
• 是该解雇他,刷两条标语就14万年薪,不解雇他解雇谁? -ghost_in_shell- ♂ 给 ghost_in_shell 发送悄悄话 ghost_in_shell 的个人博客首页 (58 bytes) (56 reads) 8/14/09 
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• 你的意思是换一位就不刷标语干实事,还少领纳税人钱了? -2441- ♀ 给 2441 发送悄悄话 2441 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 8/15/09 
• 高薪养廉呀,薪水高了才可能珍惜那个位置呀 -炖牛肉- ♂ 给 炖牛肉 发送悄悄话 炖牛肉 的个人博客首页 (42 bytes) (5 reads) 8/15/09 

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billinmon 回复 悄悄话 Fla. doctor fired over 'doughnuts=death' sign
By: Melissa Nelson
The Associated Press
August 14, 2009 PENSACOLA, FLA. — Dr. Jason Newsom railed against burgers, french fries, fried chicken and sweet tea in his campaign to promote better eating in a part of the country known as the Redneck Riviera. He might still be leading the charge if he had only left the doughnuts alone.

A 38-year-old former Army doctor who served in Iraq, Newsom returned home to Panama City a few years ago to run the Bay County Health Department and launched a one-man war on obesity by posting sardonic warnings on an electronic sign outside:

"Sweet Tea Liquid Sugar."

"Hamburger Spare Tire."

"French Fries Thunder Thighs."

He also called out KFC by name to make people think twice about fried chicken.

Then he parodied "America Runs on Dunkin'," the doughnut chain's slogan, with: "America Dies on Dunkin'."

Some power players in the Gulf Coast tourist town decided they had had their fill.

A county commissioner who owns a doughnut shop and two lawyers who own a new Dunkin' Donuts on Panama City Beach turned against him, along with some of his own employees, Newsom says. After the lawyers threatened to sue, his bosses at the Florida Health Department made him remove the anti-fried dough rants and eventually forced him to resign, he says.

"I picked on doughnuts because those things are ubiquitous in this county. Everywhere I went, there were two dozen doughnuts on the back table. At church, there were always doughnuts on the back table at Sunday school. It is social expectation thing," says Newsom, a lean 6-foot, 167-pounder in a county where 39 percent of all adults were overweight in 2007 and one in four was considered obese.

Newsom was hired by the state Health Department to direct the county agency. His $140,000-a-year salary is paid jointly by the state and the county. His job primarily involves educating the public about health issues — swine flu, AIDS and the like — but he also decided to address the dangers of glazed, sprinkled and jelly-filled treats.

He angered staff members by barring doughnuts from department meetings and announcing he would throw the fat-laden sweets away if he saw them in the break room. He also banned candy bars in the vending machines, putting in peanuts instead.

In May, lawyers Bo Rivard and Michael Duncan, co-owners of a new Dunkin' Donuts, asked Newsom to take down the "America Dies on Dunkin'" message. Newsom already had run other anti-doughnut warnings, including "Doughnuts Diabetes," and "Dunkin' Donuts Death."

The businessmen had the backing of County Commissioner Mike Thomas, who owns a diner and a doughnut shop. Thomas called for Newsom's ouster, saying the doctor shouldn't have named businesses on the message board.

"I think he was somewhat of a zealot," Thomas says. "I don't have a problem with him pushing an agenda, it's the way he did it. People borrowed money to go into business and they are being attacked by the government."

A short time after Newsom's meeting with Rivard and Duncan, Newsom says, his bosses at the state Health Department told him that his leadership wasn't wanted and that he could be fired or resign. He chose to resign May 8 but has reapplied for the job.

"I have never been known for my subtlety. I don't have a knack for it. I speak the truth to people and just assume that that my data and purpose are so real and true that everyone will see the value of what I'm doing," says Newsom, who now works at a prison, doing exams of inmates.

Rivard and Duncan did not return numerous calls to their offices.

"Dunkin' Donuts is pleased that the signs have been removed," Andrew Mastrangelo, a spokesman for Canton, Mass.-based Dunkin' Donuts said in an e-mail.

The Florida Health Department has refused to talk about Newsom since he is considered a job applicant. "We will be happy to talk to you after the position has been filled," department spokeswoman Susan Smith said in an e-mail.

Newsom is hoping to get his job back so that he can resume his campaign against overeating.

"My method was a little provocative and controversial," he says, "but there wasn't a person in Bay County who wasn't talking about health and healthy eating."