

Eternity Or Millennium?

(2013-09-11 03:08:29) 下一个

Tuesday, July 4th, 2006

Q. How did you come to conclude that the New Jerusalem appears at the beginning of the millennium? When I read Rev. 20-21, it seems like the order of things are as follows: 2nd coming of Christ, Satan is bound, millennium period, Satan is released/defeated, old heaven and earth pass away (Rev. 20:11), Great White throne judgment, eternity begins with a new heaven and earth, New Jerusalem descends, “it is done” (Rev. 21:6). Am I misunderstanding something?

A. It’s a common mistake, one I made myself for several years, and if the Bible ended with Rev. 21, there would be little doubt.

But the first hint that told me I was wrong is in Rev. 22:2 where it mentions fruit trees bearing a different fruit each month. That means man is still measuring time, so eternity can not have begun. (Eternity by definition is the absence of time and is the name given to everything that happens after Satan’s final defeat and the Great White Throne judgment.)

Then I discovered a parallel passage in Ezekiel 47:12 that’s obviously Millennial in it’s focus so Rev 22 has to be describing the Millennium. Somewhere along the way John had skipped forward in the sequence and then back tracked.

Then I began noticing other things. The nations will walk be the light of the New Jerusalem, so it’s near the Earth but not on it, and the Kings of the Earth will bring their treasure into it but can’t enter themselves.(Rev. 21:24) Neither can any other sinner, which means there’ll still be natural beings committing sins on Earth. That’s only true during the Millennium. In Rev. 21:1, the phrase “new heaven and new earth” echoes Isaiah 65:17-25, a Millennial passage, and recalls the Lord’s mention of the renewal of all things in Matt. 19:28 when He sits on His glorious throne and the disciples will judge Israel, another Millennial event.

Then I realized that John had taken the things he’d been talking about in Rev. 20, Satan’s temporary confinement and the Resurrection of unbelievers, and carried them to their conclusion while he was on the subject. All of Rev. 20:7-15 is a parenthetical statement describing the resolution of these things.

He then backed up to where he had begun, the Millennium, describing the New Jerusalem, home of the redeemed during the Millennium in Rev. 21, and conditions on Earth, home of Israel and the nations during the same time in Rev.22.

To Eternity And Beyond

As I understand it at the end of the millennium Satan is released from the pit and deceives many and they are destroyed by the Lord. What about the ones that do not rebel and are saved?


Q. I enjoy your web site very much. Thank you for your dedication to making know the word of God especially the prophecies.

I have a question concerning the events at the end of the millennium. As I understand it at the end of the millennium Satan is released from the pit and deceives many and they are destroyed by the Lord. What about the ones that do not rebel and are saved?

I have read one opinion that they are preserved (like Noah) while the Earth and Heavens are renovated by fire. Then they (still having their fleshly bodies) receive a new heart and then repopulate the Earth and Heavens in eternity???

A. Whatever you’ve heard about eternity, beyond the fact that there is one, is pure conjecture on someone’s part. The Bible, being the Handbook for the Age of Man, begins with man’s creation and ends with His final disposition at the close of the Millennium. As you indicate, this includes Satan’s release and unsaved man’s disastrous final attempt to defeat God.

Although we know that things happened before the Creation, like Satan’s fall and the origin of angels, the Bible doesn’t describe these events in any detail. So it is with Eternity. This time we’ll be there to see it unfold, but so far we haven’t been given any details. Among the hidden details is the final disposition of those born during the Millennium who accept the Lord’s offer of salvation. We can safely assume that the Lord grants them eternal life, but we don’t know anything else about them for sure.

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