
Life Drawings

(2006-12-02 12:38:55) 下一个
1-minute drawings

2-minute drawings

5 or 10 minutes?

15 minutes

15 or 20 minutes?

30 minutes

20 minutes

Okay I'm posting a lot of drawings, but we had a very good model today. Good models are inspiring. The model today, I would say she is statuesque: tall, regal and lithe, with long, wavy hair. She practices Yoga. Just see how many different and difficult poses she is capable of doing. Unusual poses are challenging and exciting at the same time. Facing a good model, we students in class almost experience an adrenaline rush, trying to capture what's in front of us as quickly as possible.

A life drawing session usually starts with quick poses 1 or 2 minutes long, and gradually the length of poses increases to 5 minutes, 10-15 minutes, and 20-30 minutes. Usually 20-25 minutes is the maximum time a model can pose. They need a break of about 8-10 minutes in between. It's a hard job posing, staying still the whole time. Have you ever tried to sit still for 20-25 minutes? I bet you'll want to scratch yourself, twist or move a bit. I will. It's impossible for human to stay absolutely still. Even the best models would move a little. As we draw, we get used to the models changing their positions in subtle ways during the course of their pose. You train your ability to capture the pose despite of it.

Some people don't like the initial quick pose series because there is no time for drawing the details. You really have to rush to get the poses on paper. I don't mind it 'cause I know they are good exercises. But today I really started to enjoy them. Since the model only needs to hold a pose for one or two mintues, she can be more creative and get into more interesting, spontaneous and exciting positions. It's hard to imagine them doing that kind of poses for a longer session. Usually they choose a more comfortable position, like sitting or lying down, for a 20 minutes+ session.

With life drawing, it really pays to do a lot of them, and some more!
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夹子夹子 回复 悄悄话 谢谢你!看来还真的保存一下了。我都扔那没管。可惜是1-2分钟的都是画在newsprint 上面的,不是archival 级别的。以后得用好点的本子了。thank you!
Yicasso 回复 悄悄话 不过奖. 那种线条的流畅程度,节奏对比,以及所表达的人体结构都很到位. 你得好好保存这些作品. 以后办个展甚至找工作都是很有份量的.
夹子夹子 回复 悄悄话 yicasso: 过奖过奖。模特比较好的话我就比较有激情。。:)请多提意见。
Yicasso 回复 悄悄话 1-2分钟的速写感觉特别好!我从来没有看到初学者达到这个水平的。算大师级的了。
夹子夹子 回复 悄悄话 轻柔心星好! :)
心星 回复 悄悄话 代灌水上不来的筒子们来问好!呵呵...:)
轻柔 回复 悄悄话 夹子!原来躲在这里,嘿嘿,大家都想你呢,:))))以为你添丁加口了,嘻嘻。
夹子夹子 回复 悄悄话 知凡:谢谢!知道有人喜欢我的画makes me more motivated. Thanks. :)

影云:不用谢。对啊还是要继续学下去。It's said that painting is a cumulative skill. The more one paints, the better he/she gets. So...just have to keep at it. Thanks for all the encouragement. :)
影云 回复 悄悄话 thanks for sharing your learning experience!!!
no wonder your lines are so flowing, determined, and precise!!!

like your 1-5 minute life drawing, flow of life . . . full of motion . ..

yes, keep diving in ART !:)

知凡 回复 悄悄话 真的画得很漂亮!!!
夹子夹子 回复 悄悄话 谢谢影云。 :)let's see...我小时候爸妈送我去学过素描,基本就是画石膏圆柱什么的。大学学了一年的艺术选修课,还是素描,画石膏几何体,胸像,柱头。第二年学了一点水粉,但是很快课就解散了,没有继续学下去。到美国后是从03年开始上了两学期的油画课,第一次接触油画,觉得非常好,一下兴趣吊上来了。然后上了一门美院成人班的life drawing 课,不过基本是画穿衣服的人。从这个夏天起才开始又学水彩和油画。本学期开始训练画life drawing 和 figure painting. 预计下学期继续朝这个方向深入学习。:)
影云 回复 悄悄话 很棒的一组!!!在拿这些课之前,你有学过画吗?