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【More Than Words 】Kevin Kern 钢琴精选专辑(2002)by Justadmusic

(2013-03-21 03:40:09) 下一个


天生就严重弱视的Kevin Kern来自底特律。一岁半的时候,家人突然发现他竟然踮着脚尖,用双手在钢琴上弹奏着圣诞歌曲《平安夜》。他从4岁开始跟随家庭教师学习钢琴,8岁开始作曲,14岁创办Well Tempered Clavichord乐团。在学校毕业后,Kevin Kern争取到饭店Lobby长驻演出的机会。Kevin Kern并不以人们耳熟能详的古典小品或是大众流行曲为演奏曲目,而是透过当时现场的感受或是观众的要求即兴创作。

在1990年,Kevin Kern搬到旧金山,并且开始了表演。此后,他还开创了他自己的钢琴流派,以钢琴为主体演绎音乐的心情和旋律,并且越发技艺成熟和浓厚。Kevin Kern是新英格兰音乐学院钢琴硕士,演奏的钢琴能散发出活力,还具有引人深省的聆赏魅力,即使是在极弱到几乎无声的乐段,依然洋溢出无法言喻的深刻情感。Kevin Kern虽然几近失明,但是,他的音乐却非常的晶莹,剔透,温暖, ……

下面是资深钢琴独奏音乐评论人Kathy Parsons为此专辑写的评介(节选):

"More Than Words" is an enchanting "best of" collection from Kevin Kern's five previous albums and includes two new pieces. Most of these pieces HAD to be on a "best of" collection - "After the Rain", "Sundial Dreams", and "Through the Arbor" from "In the Enchanted Garden" are pretty-much Kern's signature pieces, as is "Twilight's Embrace" from "Summer Daydreams.". "Above the Clouds" and "Blossom on the Wind" from last year's "Embracing the Wind" open and close the collection with warmth and serenity. "From This Day Forward" from the same album was written for Kern's wedding and is so warm and loving that my CD player almost smiles whenever I play it! "Out of the Darkness Into the Light" was composed for the "Freedom to Love" compilation, and appeared there as a piano solo. Kern orchestrated the piece, and included it on this CD - a beautiful tribute to those lost in the attacks of 9/11. The other new piece is "Children At Play," is a wistful piano and guitar duet that is full of Kern's trademark gentleness and warmth. Even if you have all of Kern's albums, the grouping of the pieces on this CD is wonderful, making the pieces fresh and new again. If you are new to Kevin Kern's work, this is an outstanding introduction! My only words of warning are to not use this CD in a wake-up CD player. I slept through 45 minutes of it one morning, and although I had some lovely little dreams in the process, woke up late and in a panic when I realized what time it was! Yep, the music is that peaceful! Very highly recommended for all other purposes!



01 Sundial Dreams
02 Where Paths Meet
03 Out Of The Darkness Into The Light
04 Above The Clouds
05 In My Life (John Lennon, Paul McCartney)
06 Through the Arbor
07 From This Day Forward
08 Threads Of Light
09 Pastel Reflections
10 We All Fall In Love Sometimes (Elton John, Bernie Taupin)
11 After The Rain
12 Children At Play
13 Twilight s Embrace
14 Blossom On The Wind

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艾粉 回复 悄悄话 回复南山松的评论:
艾粉 回复 悄悄话 回复YanLily的评论:
艾粉 回复 悄悄话 回复绿叶唤唤的评论:
南山松 回复 悄悄话 搬走一曲,先谢了!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 哇,音乐和画面都那么美!
YanLily 回复 悄悄话 Kevin Kern is a genius!!! admire him Thanks for sharing!!!
YanLily 回复 悄悄话 天生就严重音盲,一岁半时经常尿炕; 4岁时疯癫; 8岁时清醒; 14岁玩高雅; 粉粉的自传使"平安夜"不平安~~~
绿叶唤唤 回复 悄悄话 首首都是快乐的曲子~

艾粉 回复 悄悄话 回复小小婷的评论:
艾粉 回复 悄悄话 回复绿叶唤唤的评论:
艾粉 回复 悄悄话 回复木兰的评论:
小小婷 回复 悄悄话 看来粉粉已走出缅怀的阴霾了~~
绿叶唤唤 回复 悄悄话 粉哥哥一岁半那会有啥特殊的表现没有?
木兰 回复 悄悄话 小粉开始玩高雅了。。。装。。。:)