
有这样一个男人,兼有着俊朗的样貌及王子般的高贵气质,他睿智幽默, 举止谈吐温文尔雅,脸上永远带著摄人心魂的温柔的微笑,他的人格魅力似二月里的春风,在你不经意时,已经渗透到你的每一寸肌肤,你的骨髓。


(2007-07-28 18:40:43) 下一个

   “ 你没有真正爱过一个人吧 … 一个就在你身边呼吸、说话的人,某天早上忽然消失的感觉 … 完全没有任何东西改变,就只是少了一个人的感觉,你这种人能体会吗? ” 惟真对着俊尚(民亨)说这话时,不太大的眼睛噙满泪水,楚楚可怜又愤怒激动! 

“ 其它星星都换了方位,北极星依然会在原地,当别人不了解你、不原谅你,甚至离开你,只要我守在原地,你就不会迷路。 ” “ 你找得到北极星吧 … 你去吧!就算过了很久很久,你还是会找到回来的路。 ” 这些对白是因为 “ 冬恋 ” 中最重要的爱情象征为北极星,这些话足以让所有女人听了都心动得想马上冲去找一颗自己的北极星。 

“ 我真心爱着一个女人,希望陪伴那个女人直到头发变白;我希望生下像那个女人的小孩,我要成为心爱女人与孩子温柔的手,成为他们坚强的脚。我爱妳! ” 俊尚与惟真的结婚祷词,每个女人结婚时的梦想。

“ 我不会对你说对不起,因为你拿走了对我而言最重要的东西,你拿走了我的心,所以我一点也不觉得抱歉 … 我爱你。 ” 惟真在相奕的绝食抗议下,决定离开民亨,临别前她对民亨说了以上的话。而民亨听后紧紧抓住惟真的手,红着眼、颤抖地说: “ 谢谢妳,惟真! ” 看到这里,不知多少观众眼泪、鼻涕流一地哪! 

“ 外在的房子不是问题,对相爱的人来说,彼此的心不就是最好的房子吗? ” 民亨问惟真结婚后想住怎样的房子,惟真这样回答,后来民亨恢复自己是俊尚的记忆后,也在新居中对惟真说过类似的话,两人相视而笑,甜蜜无比。 

   《冬日恋歌》让我有这样的感觉啊。它的旋律就像那只摸过我心灵的手,碰触生命的音符。美妙的曲子让人感动,我想我定为被它的旋律感动地不行(哭) 在教堂的那一幕:俊相轻柔地对友真说:我姜俊相迎接郑友真小姐为妻子,一辈子爱她,照顾她,珍惜她…… 

 "You have not really loved a person ¡­ A person breathing , speaking at your side, the feeling that suddenly disappeared on the the morning of some day ¡­ Have anything change at all, only little feeling of man, can you this kind of people realize? "Wei Zhen facing toward Jun Shang (Min Heng ) at speaking words this , heavy eyes very hold all over tear , delicate and touching and angry and excited! 

"Other stars have all changed the position , the north star will still be in where it is, as others will not understand you , forgive you , even leave you, so long as I keep in where it is, you would not get lost . ""Please find the north star ¡­ Please go! Even if crossed it for a long time for a long time, you will find the way to come back . "The most important love symbolizes for the north star in the dialogue " longs for in winter ", words enough to let all woman it listens to to be so interesting that think of and wash to look for a one's own north star at once both. 

"I love a woman wholeheartedly , hope to accompany that woman until the hair turn white; I hope to give birth to the child who looks like that woman , I want to become loved gentle hands of woman and child, become their strong foot. I love! "Beautiful still with only really getting married and praying words , the dream when each woman gets married. 

"I am sorry not to say to you, because you take away the most important thing for me, you have taken away my heart, so I do not feel sorry at all ¡­ I love you. "Only really under grand hunger strike, is it leave the people henry to determine, she say what of the above to the people henry at parting. And the people henry catches only true hands tightly after hearing , have in mind , say trembling red: "Thanks, only really! "See here , I wonder a lot of audience tears , snivel flow where it will be first place! 

"The external house either question, for person in love, is the mutual heart the best house? "The people henry is it want what kind of house does it live in , only really answer like this after getting married really to ask, the people henry resume oneself behind the beautiful memory still, too new between two parties to say similar words really later on, two people smile into each other's eyes, happy and incomparable. 

" Winter love song " lets me have such a feeling. Just as that hand which has touched my soul of its melody, touch the note of the life. Whether beautiful song move people, I think I determine as melody person who move getting not all right that scene in the church of it. The beautiful picture really says the friend softly : It is a wife that my Jiang Jun Xiang meets the young lady of Zheng You Zhen, love her all one's life , look after her, treasure her …… 

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