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Kiss and Tell

(2008-04-11 15:20:01) 下一个

[Mommy’s Love Note]: Last night I was cleaning up the big piles of papers the kids brought back home, when I found this short story my daughter Little J wrote at school about a month ago.  It was a very cute piece of writing and I almost missed it!  Yes, I sure love it!

I am now posting the story here, hoping my Little J would know how much I love her, and how proud I am of her very creative writing. 

By the way, if you would like to leave a message for her, please leave it in English (or simple Chinese), and refer to her as “Birthday Girl”. That’s what she asked us to call her for today.  Thank you!  J

On St. Patrick’s Day I was walking in the sunshine.  When I looked down the street I saw a four-leaf clover!  I walked back and I saw the ice cream truck.  The ice cream man gave me a free ice cream.  Then I looked up and saw the sky turned green. 

I also saw somebody walking with some puppies.  The person with the puppies asked me if I wanted one.  I said “sure”!  So she gave me a puppy!

I went back home, and my mom said I could keep the puppy.  Then she gave me a present.  It was a leprechaun!  I was very excited. 

My mom took a shower.  When she came back out she was green too!

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阿小名 回复 悄悄话 From Birthday Girl to all: Thank you so much!

Siling阿姨, you are so nice! I love both pairs of earings, and the necklace too! My mom took me to get my ears pierced today. I have two pink hearts on for now. I can't wait to put on what you got for me because they are so pretty! Thank you!

Amy's mom: it was so nice of Amy to give me that cute sharpener. I have not used it yet but I will when I have a pencil to sharpen. Thank you!

sanfengzi 回复 悄悄话 报告一下,呵呵, 千源小姐的 于二零零八年四月十日写于凌晨的告全体国民书(呵呵),我看了。

其实,书少读点也不是坏事,特别是对有想象力的人但没多少理解力的人。 一会把自己我们为强者,告诫我们,穷寇莫追, 一会让我们卧薪尝胆(大概就是这个意思)。一会让我们回家练习英语去。总结一点,这事交给我千源,肯定能搞颠。

她是被宠坏了的聪明孩子。书读得多,但想象力, 特别是对权力的想象力,太丰富,估计每天都被自己的想像激动着。
吕秀莲其实挺可爱的, 有时候, 我觉得。 
孤草 回复 悄悄话 Happy birthday little birthday girl, best wishes from another big birthday girl. :)

I envy you that you have received free ice crean and you have a 'green mom'. My mom was still regular colour even on St Patrick's Day,but I love her all the same.

I haven't got Tamagotchi for birthday present, but if you can show me yours I will be happy too!

Much love,
aunti Lonegrass
sanfengzi 回复 悄悄话 阿小名,你说的是,辱骂挖人家祖坟的确很令人心寒。 其实,我也已经说了, 当人把她当成汉* 奸处理了 (无论公正与否),就不是内部的问题了。就不是你我能否看得惯的问题了。

你想,两边打仗, 连人都杀, 别的,什么爱心,宽容, 原谅,都别谈了。我们至今不还是喜欢看英雄保卫祖国打仗的故事么, one way or another!!!我们不是还是看到军队就觉得是保护国家合资记得么!

但真正可悲的是,处理内部的问题,也拿出对敌人的狠劲, 比如文革。
阿小名 回复 悄悄话 回复字母同学的评论:宝贝儿你去搜索王千源吧。有个视频,找不到了,司令你能否再给一下?


字母同学 回复 悄悄话 阿小名给扫下盲,怎么又出来个被骂的DUKE女孩事件啊?你那振奋人心的口号,Play Olympics not Politics,是向往,不是现实,哪一次O都会有P,哪一次P美好的开始都少不了一团浆糊的终局。

阿小名 回复 悄悄话 我不是说她不可气不可恨。我的意思是,现在这种辱骂,像在表决心,成了我们以往看不惯的那种行为——一条社会新闻的价值,就是借着指责大家一致认为值得指责的人,来表现自己的良心。





他们还是不住地问他,耶稣就直起腰来,对他们说,你们中间谁是没有罪的,谁就可以先拿石头打她。 于是又弯着腰用指头在地上画字。 他们听见这话,就从老到少一个一个地都出去了。

只剩下耶稣一人。还有那妇人仍然站在当中。 耶稣就直起腰来,对她说,妇人,那些人在哪里呢?没有人定你的罪吗? 她说,主阿,没有。耶稣说,我也不定你的罪。去吧。从此不要再犯罪了。
阿小名 回复 悄悄话 我爸就跟我说了,甭搞得那么理想,想不政治不可能。




sanfengzi 回复 悄悄话 回复sanfengzi的评论:
阿小名 回复 悄悄话 嗯。昨天我写爱国热情的时候就想过,它跟运动中的群情激昂应该是不同的。虽然都是比较强烈的感情,但是无论如何还是需要理智,需要冷静,需要最起码的相互尊重。这一次藏独之所以犯了众怒,他们动粗起了决定性作用,于是性质变了。
sanfengzi 回复 悄悄话 回复sanfengzi的评论:
对了,网民对她的行动,我看是按汗**奸处理的方法来的。但问题是,她因为人在美国,不会觉得自己是汗**奸, (我也不知道她算不算)。 对汗**奸的处理,全世界都一样。 再次说一下,我不知道应不应该算她汗**奸,好像有点离谱。
sanfengzi 回复 悄悄话 回复阿小名的评论:

但无名,你不要难过,人家小女孩一定能从中得到好处! 不要说我是小人之心,咱们等着看。

还有 ,无名,这不是咱中国人才干得出来的事情! 二战结束后,那些被迫和喝不被迫入侵的德国鬼子好的法国女孩,被极端羞辱,赶出城!!! 意大利电影, 一下子想不起来名字了(其中女主角就说了一句话),也就是反映的这个情形,只不过是在意大利!

还有,关于不 play politics, 是说给藏独的, 就是别在这时候, 把奥运会扯进来! 但藏独的事情,当然是politics. 小名,这个是事实,两码事情,不需难过。

对了,网民对她的行动,我看是按处理的方法来的。但问题是,她因为人在美国,不会觉得自己是, (我也不知道她算不算)。 的处理,全世界都一样。 再次说一下,我不知道应不应该算她,好像有点离谱
Graceusa 回复 悄悄话 我来晚了。

Happy birthday, Little J!
I love your writing.

sanfengzi 回复 悄悄话 回复阿小名的评论:
但无名,你也难过,人家小女孩一定能从中得到好处! 不要说我是小人之心,咱们等着看。
还有 ,无名,这不是咱中国人才干得出来的事情,二战结束后,那些被迫和喝不被迫入侵的德国鬼子好的法国女孩,被极端羞辱,赶出城!!! 意大利电影, 一下子想不起来名字了(其中女主角就说了一句话),也就是反映的这个情形,只不过是在意大利!
还有,关于不 play politics, 是说给藏独de, 就是别在这时候, 把奥运会扯进来! 但藏独的事情,当然是politics. 小名,这个是事实,不需要难过。

YY~.~ 回复 悄悄话 回复阿小名的评论:
阿小名 回复 悄悄话 孩子既然睡了,说几句大人话吧咱们。



本来这几天,觉得我们大家是在Play Olympics not Politics,却搞到如此局面,快要成了一场轰轰烈烈的政治运动,要表决心那种,我快无话可说了。

阿小名 回复 悄悄话 Thank you YY~.~. I'll let her know when she wakes up tomorrow, when the celebration continues...:)
YY~.~ 回复 悄悄话 Happy birthday birthday girl. Who else would you like to turn green. What about daddy?
sanfengzi 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,是啊!!!

阿小名 回复 悄悄话 哈哈他们终于都睡啦。感觉他们醒着的时候,咱们的表现怎么都跟大尾巴狼似的,hiahiahia...
阿小名 回复 悄悄话 From Birthday Girl to Sanfengzi:That would be great but it would not happen.

From Birthday Girl to Punny: I would like to turn green but it was not what I'd put in the story.

p.s. Little T recognized the Chinese characters in Punny's picture!
punny 回复 悄悄话 Happy birthday, Birthday Girl.
I love your story, especially the mommy turning green part. I guess it would be even fancier if you were green too. :)
sanfengzi 回复 悄悄话 回复阿小名的评论:

Sanfengzi to Birthday Girl:

If we all work together, and work very hard, are we able to find a magic power that turns the sky as well as your mom green?

I think so, Little J, how do you think?
阿小名 回复 悄悄话 From Little J to all:
I like all the notes that you wrote me. Thank you!

From Little J to Siling 阿姨:You forgot to capitalize letter "s" for "Siling".

From Little J to sanfengzi: But that's only a story. They didn't really turn green!
明亮 回复 悄悄话 Happy birthday for the little cute J, wish you can see lucky leaves all the time, eat ice cream whenever you want, lucky and happy always.

阿小名 回复 悄悄话 Thank you all!

I am taking Birthday Girl to pick her favorite Tamagotchi tonight. I know you all think she's so lucky!

茉香珍珠 回复 悄悄话 I love you, Little J.
字母同学 回复 悄悄话 Happy Birthday, Birthday Girl! Kisses from Amy & Grace.
sanfengzi 回复 悄悄话 Happy birthday, the most beautiful birthday girl.

I know that ice cream cone must have some magical power. It helped turn the sky and your mom green! How exciting!

I always wished I could've seen a green sky when I was a girl like you. So, I guess you are very lucky.
阿小名 回复 悄悄话 No no no no no. I think Mommy's turning green is a bigger change than the sky's turning green...

Oh and Birthday Girl did ask for me to light the candle on top of an ice cream for her tonight!
淑女司令 回复 悄悄话 this is super funny, from your story, I can tell that you like the ice creame the most, becuase eating a free ice creame changed the sky, this is the biggest change ever. Other greens are small compare to the green sky. Hence, ice creame has the most power. the end.

Happy birthday - I will have your mom bring a present to you on Sunday from siling 阿姨