
11 Isaac getting strong

(2007-01-10 22:03:33) 下一个

1. The LORD's promise to Abraham started to show now -- Isaac and his people became prosperous. As someone pointed out, it seems that Isaac and Rebekah were not good parents, because each of them favored one of the twin boys. This caused lots of troubles between Israelites and Edomites in years to come.

2. Two more miracles Jesus did: Calming the storm and driving out of daemons.

3. Surely the LORD never hide himself from the helpless.

4. "Do not be wise in your own eyes", please help me memorise this verse!

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-凡凡- 回复 悄悄话 创世记 24:52-26:16
以扫轻看长子名分,因为一碗红豆汤的缘故,将长子的名分卖给雅各。 --- 我们要以次为教训,不要为了眼前利益和肉体的欲望轻视神的法规和祝福。

马太福音 8:18-8:34
我们的耶稣基督是平静风浪的主,是救赎百姓并医病赶鬼行神迹的主,是荣耀的君王,可是,‘耶稣说,狐狸有洞,天空的飞鸟有窝,人子却没有枕头的地方。’--- 内心深深地被震动! 泪水忍不住地流。。。。。。主啊,你的爱何等的长阔高深,我无法测度!主啊,我是何等的罪人,是这样的不配,你却先爱了我,为为生,为我受苦,为我舍弃一切,还为我受尽鞭伤,为我死,还为我复活。。。主啊,我爱你,尽管我不配!我爱你,我愿意跟从你!我全人全心都属于你,就求你更新改变我吧,让我更像你,让我更爱你,为要让你满足,让你喜悦---这是我的承诺,求你监察我,保守我,一生一世爱你不变!

诗篇 10:1-10:15

箴言 3:7-3:8
这便医治你的肚脐,滋润你的百骨。---- !!。。。耶和华神是又真又活的,他是智慧和力量的源泉,他赦免我们一切的罪孽,医治我们一切的疾病。我们一定要敬畏他,热爱他,感谢他,赞美他!!!

荒漠甘泉 01/11

~蓑笠翁 回复 悄悄话 Personally, I don't like Jacob too much. He played several tricks now and then. I didn't see the link between God's blessing and birthright. Esau was a simple person and didn't think too much only. Jacob just took advantage of the weaknesses of his brother.

Psalm: How evil these people are! God won't forget the helpless.

Proverbs: This is the true wisdom: to fear God and run away from the evils!
寒江雪~ 回复 悄悄话 To 提摩太: Thanks for your explaination. Esau would get punishment later… I guess because of his careless for God's blessing :)
提摩太 回复 悄悄话 Thanks for sharing, 寒江雪~ .
Birthright is very important. For Israelites, the first born is entitled to inherit double portion than other children. Here the birthright is more symbolic. Esau despised his birthright in order for some soup. My understanding is he didn't take God's blessing seriously.
寒江雪~ 回复 悄悄话 Genesis 24:52-26:16
1.Rebekah and Isaac meet and marry in today's readings! I like this story, it’s beautiful. Also like Italian painter G.B. Castiglione's oil painting "Meeting of Rebekah and Isaac"- looks so romantic:)
2.Esau sold his birthright to Jacob.
Why those two brothers sold/bought the birthright? Was the birthright important?
3.Isaac made the same mistake as his father.

Matthew 8:18-34
"Calming the storm" was the famous miracles Jesus did.
I saw a very good painting before about this story.

Proverbs 3:7-8
Like this one: "Do not be wise in your own eyes"!