虔谦 (热门博主)
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(2013-03-14 21:32:26) 下一个

写《张纯如,无法忘却的珍存》时,我潜意识里假设大部分中国人都知道张纯如和她的名著《南京暴行:被遗忘的大屠杀》(《The Rape of Nanking》)。看来并不如此。文友山哥在他的评论里指出了张氏名著的英文名,另一位文友将我的文章转至新浪时,加了张纯如和她的《南京暴行:被遗忘的大屠杀》的图片。这些提醒了我,有必要多介绍张纯如几句。当然,人们可以到百度百科或维基百科那里去,那里有完整的介绍和记录。

张纯如 1968 年 3 月 28 日生于美国新泽西州。主要作品有《中国导弹之父》(介绍钱学森),《南京暴行:被遗忘的大屠杀》和《在美华人》。 2004 年 11 月 9 日饮弹自杀。年仅36岁。



张盈盈曾教育年轻的张纯如:“凡是中国人都应该记住日本人在战争中的暴行。”我想,凡是中国人,都应该知道并记住第一个用英文写出南京大屠杀的史实,并向西方世界揭示这段历史真相的勇敢的华人后代:张纯如 (英文名Iris Chang)。

纯如母亲写女儿的书 2012年10月出版,荣获2012年 美国亚太图书协会文学奖,美国华人图书馆协会最佳著作。

  • 张纯如,无法忘却的珍存

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    7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 回复7grizzly的评论:
    All right. It was a great read, summarized in the last paragraph:

    The subjugation of individual rights to the group, leading inevitably to
    ultranationalism, has long been a cause and justification for war and genocide
    across the planet. It was to escape the oppression of group identity--the burden
    of racial antagonisms, inherited by blood--that thousands of Chinese and other
    immigrants abandoned the homes of their ancestors, for unknown futures in a
    strange land. Only time can tell if their journey will have been successful.
    This will depend entiredly on whether America can continue to evolve toward the
    basic egalitarian concept upon which it was founded--``that all men are created
    equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
    that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.'' For it was
    the haunting, elusive dream that such a place really existed that first drew
    many of the Chinese to American shores.

    7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 回复我是虔谦的评论:
    Thank you for encouraging. Spent another hour on the book today and learnt about the origin of the phrase ``a Chinaman's chance'' which could be very useful even in modern days.
    我是虔谦 回复 悄悄话 回复7grizzly的评论:

    7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 Thanks! Your post rekindled my interest in Iris Chang's work.
    Just finished the first 2 chapters of ``The Chinese in America.''
    7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 回复沁园的评论:

    Thanks for the link. I didn't know Chang was friend with Hellen Zia, another brave soul. (She was featured in the PBS Video``becoming american the chinese experience''.)
    zzyzx 回复 悄悄话 张纯如是在离史丹福大学不远的280号公路边上开枪自杀的,她的死讯很快在湾区传开。她后来在基督教的Gate of Heaven长眠。
    三俗不俗 回复 悄悄话 博主真的看完了张纯如的rape of Nanking?
    花开剑鞘边 回复 悄悄话 日本人是跟张后羿学的,张后羿比日本人还坏。张家的女人应该先写书教育教育自家的男人,缺教养。
    风行水上 回复 悄悄话 在哪儿能买,支持一下。伟大的母亲和女儿,有良心的中国人。
    沁园 回复 悄悄话 才女,真的很可惜。这篇英文报道中有很多关于她的细节。
    粉玫瑰 回复 悄悄话 谢谢介绍,还不知道《中国导弹之父》是她写的。去钱老的侄子家做客时,Roger(2008年诺贝尔化学奖得主钱永健)拿给大家看过一眼,当时没注意。