Download; 2)
Installation; 3)
Unlock; 4)
Garmin Mobile XT
- pjiang -

Just recently Garmin released a latest version for mobile device, which is
Garmin Mobile XT Version 4.20.50wp. Also the current map for US became United States NT 2009. To make it work on PPC-6800 (Sprint Mogul), installation of both App and Maps is required.
1) Download
First, we need to download all necessary files for the project.
GarminMobileXTforWindowsMobile_42050w.exe (App)
GarminMobileXTSupportFiles_4xxxx.exe (Voice)
GarminMobileXTFreeBasemap_4xxxx.exe (base World map)
Wrapped package for above files:
SoftArchive (recommended)
RapidShare (Mirror)
2) Install
All above App and Map are now in your PC hard drive, and we come to installation.
The App and Map will be installed to a Storage Card in a card reader connected to a PC, without MS Active Sync being involved.
Double click each of above 3 .exe to install, make sure the target if your Storage Card.
- If your mobile device has cell phone function, please turn it off temporarily.
- Now, remove Storage Card from card reader and insert it to your device (PPC-6800).
- The installation will be automatically launched upon insertion, because of the autorun.exe in directory of 2577.
If not, click "\\ Storage Card \\ Garmin Mobile XT.exe"" to manually run it
- Go through installation. and run application.
You will be prompted 4 options in first run:
Purchase & Go
Begin Free Trial
Enter Product Key
Connect to a Garmin GPS
Click last option. Stop scanning of your GPS and get to "Settings" -> Down arrow -> "About", where you need to write down "Device ID" and "
Card ID", to be used to unlock the App as well as Maps.
Exit the program, and move the storage card to PC card reader.
You may now delete "\\ Storage Card \\ 2577 \ subdirectory after installtion. However, it will not install when you insert the card into a new device.
3) Unlock
Now we back to PC and launch the garmin_kgen_15.exe by JetMouse.
- In field of Unit ID, put Card ID there;
- In Map Product section, please select "City Navigator North America NT 2009";
If you don't find a map name in drop down list, choose "Custom Mapset" in bottom line and input MapID, which is usually comes with the map, in "FID (or MapID)" field
- Click each "Generate" buttons to get two unlock codes;
- Save software unlock code in "sw.unl", and map unlock code in "gmapsupp.unl". Those 2 files are to be placed in "\\ Storage Card \\ Garmin \.
- Unzip map using WinRAR, and copy map file "gmapsupp.img" to same location, along with unlock code files.
Again, we insert the Storage Card to mobile device, and run "\\ Garmin \\ Garmin Mobile XT.exe" in main memory, which was installed in last run. You will not incur the 4 options as last time. If you do, try to get unlock codes by using "Device ID" instead of "Card ID" to repeat what you just did.
Check "Settings" -> Down arrow -> "About", and you don't see the information you wrote down earlier, good on app unlock.
Check "Tools" -> "Manage My Date" -> "Map Sets" -> "Detailed maps", good on map unlock too.
It's your time to play around with Garmin Mobile XT.
When GPS single is not found, try run
gpslauncher.exe first (
BTW, here is China Map (Size: 177 MB) from Garmin below:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
MapID: 280
任我游地图 279,662,808 bytes (迅雷下载)
MapID: 279, 33
Place two map unlock codes generated on same line with no separation in file "\\ Storage Card \\ Garmin \\ gmapsupp.unl".
Garmin 中国大陆地图 08 年春季版(6.5版),2008年5月20日官方发布了 v6.5
Map6.5C_NT.part1.rar (MapID 350)
More maps
here, for both TomTom Navigator and Garmin Mobile XT.
Last Rvsd 5/22/08