


(2024-07-29 00:21:11) 下一个

I have a self-created tradition, to run a half marathon in each of the three weeks during Summer Olympics. This time, I will run eight miles each week, to prepare for the half marathon in December that I signed up for. I have promised my students in summer classes to make a video of each run. I might just as well post it here. Here it is.

Last Saturday, I ran my first eight miles in 87-93 F temperature. It was not an easy run due to the heat. I was drenched in sweat and felt like running twice of the distance! For my next run, I will definitely start earlier in the morning when it is cooler. After the run, I drove directly to the Chinese culture center and danced for over an hour with the dance team, a good stretch from the run and plenty of steps for the day! Nobody said anything about my smell. It was so nice of them to tolerate me as such, hahah. I look forward to my next run this coming weekend!


The music that I selected for this video is called "Joy on Eart" by Zhao Cong.

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