


(2024-07-25 22:06:53) 下一个

                               【A Marathon to Paris】

                                      By Tian Yu Zhi 


An once in a life time run; an Olympic road to Paris 
Fresh morning air along the river Seine
A French kiss under the Arc de Triomphe 
1711 steps to the top of the Eiffle Tower
A prayer each night, until three years elapses
Until one night, the tower lights up the city
In sunset, at the moment of our union

Tears, sweat, thorns, solitude, won't  stop me
Wildfire, flash flood, virus, sneers, won't deter me
I have miles to run for a golden finish 
I zone out in my own sunny music 
Singing songs flowing from my heart 
I run towards the Sun, it guides me
To be each other's golden prize at the finish

Say goodbye to a world without Olympic Games
Say goodbye to a sky without Eiffel Tower
Show the world an old fashioned romance
With deep yearning, insurmontable trust, and grits
Nothing is impossible, one step at a time
Open the cage now, let go the doves to the blue sky
Give peace to the souls, set hearts free

A marathon to Paris, at last
We drink wine in each other's embrace
Count the dates backwards please ———
1095, 1094, 1093, 1092, 1091...




*发首旧诗庆贺,开幕式是今天中午十二点半,我会抽空去看 ~~




Every time I visited Disney Epcot, I would watch this short movie about France in the theater there. It is very beautifully made. I would have some French desserts in the nearby cafe afterwards, yummy ~ ~



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