两年前的某天,在墨西哥的Cabo San Lucas,一队“空中飞人”参与者一路“跋山涉水”,走了很久的山路,终于气喘吁吁地来到山腰的起跳站。站在起跳站往下一看,底下全是大石头,不由心生胆怯,但既然已经来到了,我不想临阵退缩。
Two years ago, a group of "The Pendulum" (Giant Rope Swing) participants panted at the jump station at the top of the hill after a long hike. There was one giant rope that I needed to hold on to and swing after I jumped down from the middle of the hill. The bottom was full of large stones that made me feel timid. But since I was there, I didn’t want to chicken out. The moment of preparing to jump down was the most frightening moment.
According to the leader's instructions, I should lean forward and drop my body down naturally. But human instinct made me lean backwards. After I struggled back and forth several times, finally I summoned up the courage to let out a loud cry and let my body fall. Once I jumped down, I started to enjoy the swing. I felt the breeze whistling in my ears, I was as free as a bird.
But actually I swung less than a minute, then I was slowly let down. Some people jumped twice, but since I was scared, I was the last one to jump, so I didn't have a chance to jump again. I felt very good after I was unbuckled from the swing. I felt very proud of myself and thought I could conquer more challenges in my life.
After The Pendulum, we went to an ATV station, each person was given a scarf to cover one’s nose and mouth. Then we sped the ATV off to the dining place. We were covered with dust from head to toe. Before dinner, someone took a powerful blower to blow the dust off our clothes. Then we began to eat. We finished our exhausting day with a tour bus to pick us up and head back to each of our hotels.
This is me jumping down 这是我正在往下跳
ATV is all-terrain vehicle
Here is a joyful, well known Mexican song covered by me.
《Cielito Lindo》美丽的天使
【E外桃源】A day in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Ha65494 -
在墨西哥Cabo San Lucas的一天 - Ha65494 -