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倡议书 - 纪念废除排华法案80周年阻止历史重演

(2023-03-23 14:58:57) 下一个


倡议书 - 召开“纪念废除排华法案80周年阻止历史重演”全美华人社区联席大会


《排华法案》由于国会通过了《麦诺森法案》 (Magnuson Act),或称排华法案废除案,而被废除。该法案由富兰克林·罗斯福总统于1943年12月17日签署成为法律,取消了长达 61 年对华人移民美国的禁令。今年是废除《排华法案》80周年,在美国国内“亚裔仇视”情绪蔓延,美中关系恶化的背景下,纪念这一历史事件有着特殊的意义。









Call for Action - Holding a Joint Conference of the Chinese American Communities Nationwide to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act and to Prevent the Recurrence of History

March 2023

The Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed on December 17, 1943, by the Magnuson Act, also known as the Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943. This act was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and lifted the 61-year-old ban on Chinese immigrants to the United States. This year marks the 80th anniversary of the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Against the backdrop of the spread of "anti-Asian sentiment" in the United States and the deterioration of US-China relations, commemorating this historical event has special significance.

The Chinese community has already felt a "survival crisis." Chinese immigrants and descendants from different periods, regions, and political backgrounds are a community of shared interests. We need to work together, plan, reach a consensus, and defend our constitutionally protected rights as Americans while seeking understanding and support from people of all ethnicities in the United States to prevent history from repeating itself.

We propose that a joint conference be held in Washington, D.C. around December 17, 2023, by multiple influential Chinese and Asian American organizations to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act and to prevent history from repeating itself. We will invite President Biden and members of Congress to attend and convince the White House to issue an official statement on this historic event. We recommend the establishment of a joint conference planning committee, with representatives from the initiating organizations serving as co-chairs of the conference, to plan the agenda and invite Chinese American organizations from various backgrounds (civic organizations, Chinese language schools, art centers, foundations, chambers of commerce, hometown associations, alumni associations, professional associations, and artist associations) and individuals to participate in the conference.

In the democratic, free, and diverse society of the United States, various interest groups form alliances to advocate and influence the political and economic outcome. The political chessboard is not like the Chinese chessboard with clear boundaries, but rather a Go board, where mutual infiltration and competition determine the outcome. In promoting the rights and interests of the Chinese American community and advancing American society, we need to learn the tactics of playing Go. Various Chinese American organizations should be integrating resources on an equal footing, actively participating, working together, and seeking support from all sources for the common interests of the Chinese American community, rather than competing for attention, status, roles, or seating arrangements. Achieving equal civil rights for all Americans including Chinese Americans and Asian Americans is a difficult long journey during which we must take one step at a time. Holding this joint commemorative conference is a significant step in the right direction.

Proposed by: Xiaoyan Zhang, Heping Xu, Yingxi Liu, Qian Huang, Zhida Song, Liye Zhu, Mingtao Jiang, Wenbin Yuan, Xiaofu Si.

If you support this initiative, please click the LINK to leave your name and email for future communications.

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HenryCharles 回复 悄悄话 "枪迷球迷 发表评论于 "

又是你 - 又来片面的,选择性提起排华法案。反驳你无数次了,你还是选择性的避而不谈一些事实:

你阁下没提的是: 排华法案是共和党总统 Chester A. Arthur 签署的;

提出法案废除的是民主党议员Warren Magnuson,
并由民主党总统罗斯福 Franklin D. Roosevelt 签署的。

wt2021 回复 悄悄话 美国现在正在掀起新型反华排华浪潮,大有当年纳粹反犹势头,每个华人都应该提高警惕,别跟我说什么反共不反共的,现在这股风潮,每个华人都可能成为当年的犹太猪,任人宰割。
dong140 回复 悄悄话 贊博主
枪迷球迷 回复 悄悄话 谈排华法案一个经常被回避历史事实

民主党:100% 参议员, 97%众议员,
共和党:37% 参议员, 72%众议员

参院 (31-15)
100% 民主党投票议员赞成排华法案 (22 yes, 0 no, 15 not voting)
37% 共和党投票议员赞成排华法案 (9 yes, 15 no, 14 not voting )

众院 (190-37)
97% 民主党投票议员赞成排华法案 (102 yes, 3 no, 28 not voting)
72% 共和党投票议员赞成排华法案 (88 yes, 34 no, 23 not voting )
ahniu 回复 悄悄话 先把共产党员踢走。