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(2020-05-16 14:56:06) 下一个
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Dear Columbia College Family,

It is very nearly time to celebrate the Class of 2020! While we are separated in this unprecedented time, I am so glad for an opportunity that brings us together in spirit. I hope you will join us in celebrating the Class of 2020, and I hope you will share photos and messages from your own celebrations using social media with the tags #CC20STILLROARS, #MYCCJOURNEY and #COLUMBIAFAMILY.

Please see below for the links to access the ceremonies.


Sue Jordan
Director of Family Outreach and Support
Student and Family Support
Columbia College | Columbia Engineering


Watch the Class Day Ceremony

Tuesday, May 19 at 10:00 a.m. EDT

The link to the ceremony will also be shared on the Columbia College website.

Tune in on May 19


Watch University Commencement

Wednesday, May 20 at 11:00 a.m. EDT

The link to the ceremony will go live on Wednesday at 10:50 a.m. EDT

Tune in on May 20
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哈瑞 回复 悄悄话 小丽从 Stern 商学院转一圈,哥大毕业。 以后最高的学历会是法学院。 俺继续投资教育 :)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 小丽应该还没有毕业吧,才两年就法学院都搞定了,小丽真是个很勤奋、对自己人生有规划的好孩子,本科少读一两年,也给你省钱了,法学院一毕业进大公司,你的投资就该慢慢收回来了,藤爸当然不是吹的:) 祝小丽前程似锦!
哈瑞 回复 悄悄话 老爸的梦想女儿实现了,藤爸不是吹的 :)
Law School 在前,人生路长。
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 哈哥好好enjoy哈公主的毕业典礼,大学毕业,人生的起点!