
美国高中必读十大书目(附下载) zt

(2011-09-25 10:12:22) 下一个


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 点击下载

Mark Twain's (Samuel Clemen's) classic novel is a must for all students studying American humor and satire. While banned in some school districts, it is a widely read and appreciated novel.

The Scarlet Letter 点击下载

Hester Prynne was marked in scarlet for her indiscretions.

The Grapes of Wrath 点击下载

John Steinbeck's tale of Dust Bowl victims travelling west for a better life is a classic look at life during the Great Depression.
《愤怒的葡萄》作于1939年。是美国30 年代大萧条时期的一部史诗。小说主人公约德刑满被释回家,发现家乡一片荒芜,只得携家乘坐一辆破旧的汽车到西部谋生,在那里的一个农场做工。一家人拼命干活,只能勉强糊口,农场主还不断地压低工资。农工们奋起反抗,举行罢工,警察前来镇压,牧师凯绥同情农工,被武装流氓打死。约德将凶手击毙,只得再次背井离乡。这部作品,反映了广大人民群众对现存社会的日益不满和叛逆精神,具有鲜明的时代特征

A Farewell to Arms 点击下载

One of the best novels of World War I, Ernest Hemingway tells of the war as a backdrop to a love story between an American ambulance driver and an English nurse.

The Red Badge of Courage 点击下载

Henry Fleming struggles with bravery and courage during the Civil War in this excellent book by Stephen Crane. Great for integrating history and literature.
Stephen Crane

To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee's awesome novel of the deep south in the midst of the Depression is always an excellent choice for high school students.

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