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沈成涵 回复 悄悄话 回复 '东川界' 的评论 :
沈成涵 回复 悄悄话 回复 '东川界' 的评论 :
沈成涵 回复 悄悄话 文章对日本的国民性分析得很到位,所以我们更应该反思一下,七十年代老毛为什么要和如“妓女和恶奴”般的日本搞友好,牺牲中国的国家和民族利益来交好日本人,并欢迎日本人再来中国“欺负中国人”。
李卫民 回复 悄悄话 妓女招你了?通过劳动解决男人的性饥渴而获得收入,怎么能和残暴的日本人相提并论哪?
jesusmary 回复 悄悄话 一般来讲,无论在哪个国家,爱投靠有势力的人做靠山的总是受欢迎的,但是没有了做人的------
zephyr2012 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Small.Town' 的评论 : you and lz should be sent to Japan to 圣战, 哈, 敢去吗!
东川界 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Small.Town' 的评论 :
Sam大树 回复 悄悄话 是男人看见妓女都不会太反感,至少表面上
Small.Town 回复 悄悄话 Japanese Instrument of Surrender

We, acting by command of and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions set forth in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China, and Great Britain on 26 July 1945 at Potsdam, and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers.

We hereby proclaim the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers of the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters and of all Japanese Armed Forces and all Armed Forces under Japanese control wherever situated.

We hereby command all Japanese forces wherever situated and the Japanese people to cease hostilities forthwith, to preserve and save from damage all ships, aircraft, and military and civil property, and to comply with all requirements which may be imposed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by agencies of the Japanese Government at his direction.

We hereby command the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters to issue at once orders to the commanders of all Japanese forces and all forces under Japanese control wherever situated to surrender unconditionally themselves and all forces under their control.

We hereby command all civil, military, and naval officials to obey and enforce all proclamations, orders, and directives deemed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to be proper to effectuate this surrender and issued by him or under his authority; and we direct all such officials to remain at their posts and to continue to perform their non-combatant duties unless specifically relieved by him or under his authority.

We hereby undertake for the Emperor, the Japanese Government, and their successors to carry out the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration in good faith, and to issue whatever orders and take whatever action may be required by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by any other designated representative of the Allied Powers for the purpose of giving effect to that declaration.

We hereby command the Japanese Imperial Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters at once to liberate all Allied Prisoners of War and civilian internees now under Japanese control and to provide for their protection, care, maintenance, and immediate transportation to places as directed.

The authority of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to rule the State shall be subject to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, who will take such steps as he deems proper to effectuate these terms of surrender.

Signed at TOKYO BAY, JAPAN at 09.04 on the SECOND day of SEPTEMBER, 1945

Mamoru Shigemitsu (重光 葵)
By Command and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Government

Yoshijirō Umezu (梅津 美治郎)
By Command and in behalf of the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters

Accepted at TOKYO BAY, JAPAN at 09.08 on the SECOND day of SEPTEMBER, 1945, for the United States, Republic of China, United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and in the interests of the other United Nations at war with Japan.

Douglas MacArthur
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers

C. W. Nimitz
United States Representative

Hsu Yung-chang
Republic of China Representative

Bruce Fraser
United Kingdom Representative

Kuzma Derevyanko
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Representative

Thomas Blamey
Commonwealth of Australia Representative

Lawrence Moore Cosgrave
Dominion of Canada Representative

Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque
Provisional Government of the French Republic Representative

C. E. L. Helfrich
Kingdom of the Netherlands Representative

Leonard M. Isitt
Dominion of New Zealand Representative
Small.Town 回复 悄悄话 回复 'mayl' 的评论 :
Who did abuse American soldiers during WWII?
Small.Town 回复 悄悄话 回复 'zephyr2012' 的评论 :
Who did attack Pearl Harbor without a declaration of war?
Small.Town 回复 悄悄话 回复 '金玉屋' 的评论 :
Which country are you talking about?
Small.Town 回复 悄悄话 回复 '东川界' 的评论 :
In your dream!
Small.Town 回复 悄悄话 回复 '180511' 的评论 :
中国军队从来没有侵略日本, 300万中国士兵和平民在抗日战争中失去了他们的生命.

Small.Town 回复 悄悄话 Always remember Aesop's Fables -- the farmer and the snake, and Japan is the snake!
zephyr2012 回复 悄悄话 nasty .
东川界 回复 悄悄话 作为国家,日本在世界上比中国朋友多,声誉好。作为个体,日本人在外比中国人受欢迎。这是靠谩骂等下三滥手段改变不了的事实。
金玉屋 回复 悄悄话 假爱国,真汉奸。
匡吉 回复 悄悄话 过分贬低他国,他民族会使你的文章没有说服力。当然你若是写了自娱自乐那另当别论
mayl 回复 悄悄话 this is nasty.
180511 回复 悄悄话 好像你活着的唯一目的就是仇恨日本人?