小黑猫 (热门博主)
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2021.07.29 Mt Schaffer

(2022-03-05 09:19:27) 下一个

Summit Elevation (m): 2692
Trip Date: September 30 2010
Elevation Gain (m): 500
Round Trip Time (hr): 2-6
Total Trip Distance (km): 8
Quick ‘n Dirty Rating: Class 2 – you fall, you sprain something
Difficulty Notes: No major difficulties other than catching a bus or walking up the approach road 11km… Fall is the best time to hike this one.

1. 这次因为新冠,一直没见到主人,只有大猫 Lynx Lair 每天来门口问候

2. 友好的猫咪,想我家Chevy了

3. 一路迎着朝阳,再次来到Lake O'Hara [哭]

4. 通往McArthur Lake的路上野花盛开

5. Hiking from Schaffer Lake via the highline trail to McArthur Lake。这条步道不难,就算大石头也有天然台阶

6. Marmot 拦路

7. Pika 害羞,很少能见到,看到很多Pika的家

8. Great view of Odaray from half way to Mt Schaffer

9. 最后一段是Scramble


11. 乱石堆里的野花

12. Mt Schaffer 就在上方

13. Odaray,右面的Cathedral躲在雾霾后


15. 终于来到山头,Lake O’Hara and Wiwaxy Peaks

网上偷来的照片,晴天的景色应该是这样的 – Wiwaxy, Victoria, Huber, Lefroy, Yukness, Ringrose, Hungabee and Lakes (Mary lake, Lake O’Hara, Moor Lakes, Hungabee Lake and Opabin Lake

16. 另一面McArthur Lakewith Park Mountain in the background

18. 原路返回,下山途中回望刚爬过的山头

19. Desceending scree slops down to McArthur Lake

20. 时间还早,在McArthur Lake 湖边玩了很久。

21. 回程看到一只Pika

22. 步道旁野花盛开

23. Schaffer Lake旁的白头翁


25. Lake O’Hara

26. Ranger 和班车

27. iPhone record

28. GPS record


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