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2021.07.03 Whistler PEAK 2 PEAK 360 Experience

(2022-03-03 17:17:17) 下一个

原计划在Whistler四晚,现在被压缩成了两晚。赶上国庆长周末,Joffer Lake Day Permit没申请到。于是决定歇一天,去坐缆车。快中午才出发,山下奇热,但坐缆车上了山,冷风嗖嗖又很冷,半道下山去拿车里的羽绒服。大半天就折腾没了。周末缆车票还贵,感觉有点亏。Whistler PEAK 2 PEAK 360 Experience - Includes access to both Whistler and Blackcomb mountains with 50+ km of summer hiking trails

1. Whistler是加拿大第一滑雪场,有各种cable cars, chair lifts,有些夏天也开放。雪道变车山地车道,看着很好玩

2. 缆车上山省心省力,两段缆车后,我们来到 Whistler mountain, 山头有饭馆酒吧。远处的山头一字排开,右边的山峰是Black Tusk

3. 天气太好了,晴空下四面八方都是景

4. LLD

5. Hiking Boots配连衣裙

This Iconic Structure is the Whistler Mountain Inukshuk, created for Whistler as a Symbol of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. An inukshuk (the plural term is inuksuit) is a stone landmark used by the Inuit and other peoples of the North American arctic regions. There are several theories about why inukshuks were created, but most likely it was used as a reference point and navigation marker for travel routes. The tall stone structure could be seen from far away to provide direction to people traveling long distances. The inukshuk has long roots in Inuit culture. The word inukshuk can be translated to mean, "something which acts for or performs the function of a person."

Black Tusk From Mountain Whistler


Walk over the snow field

PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola - Spanning the distance between Whistler and Blackcomb mountains, the PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola is a 4.4-kilometre (2.7 mile) 11-minute journey to infinite possibilities. • The world’s longest unsupported span for a lift of this kind, at 3.024 kilometres (1.88 miles). Holds the Guinness World Record. • World’s highest lift of its kind at 436 metres (1,427 feet) above the valley floor. Holds the Guinness World Record. • World’s longest continuous lift system, connecting two high-speed chair lifts and one gondola.

Birthday Boy

到 Blackcomb Mountain 时已经是下午,来不及走太多trail。本地人忧愁地看着远处的云层,干打雷不下雨,极易引起山火。

果然,2021年BC山火烧了好几个月,Ruined our trip to Canadian Rockies

With more than 1,600 fires burning nearly 8,700 square kilometres of land this year, the 2021 wildfire season in B.C. was the third worst on record in terms of area burned.  Timeline of the 2021 B.C. wildfire season

  • April: Wildfire season officially starts
  • June 28: Campfires banned across B.C.
  • June 30: After temperatures skyrocket, Lytton burns
  • July 20: Provincial state of emergency declared
  • Sept. 21: Province ends state of emergency




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