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2021.06.30 Squamish - Stawamus Chief

(2022-03-03 15:57:57) 下一个

因为高温,原计划温哥华北部的徒步被一再压缩,原计划走完WCT,在Garibaldi Lake Camping 3晚,走Panorama Ridge & Black Tusk peak,之后住Squamish,走附近的一日步道: Watersprite Lake, Wedgemount Lake,然后去whistler 走Upper Joffer Lake。

现在只剩下五个整天,Garibaldi Lake一晚两天,Squamish一晚一天爬了Stawamus Chief,Whistler两晚一天,缆车游。

Garibaldi Lake/Panorama Ridge在BC省的几千条步道中排名#1&2,名头甚至大过Berg Lake 和Mt Assiniboine,所以一直想去看看。

第一天,天气预报Some Clouds,但我们一直在云中,一路辛苦啥也没看到[流泪]。第二天终于放晴,在烈日下再走一遍,果然是风光无限。一路还有Marmots和无数野花相伴。

升高一千五百米的路走了两遍,一半路程还背着大包。两天将近十万步,差点把腿走断,于是后面的Whistler就变成缆车行。得来容易的风景,感觉总不如一路辛苦看到的美,大名鼎鼎的Whistler,在我眼中跟Canadian Rockies根本不在一个Level。但这里的活动真多,户外天堂不是吹的,是个快速花钱的好地方[偷笑]


Stawamus Chief 有三个山头相连,因为离温哥华很近,是一条热门步道。从7月开始,BC省公园一日游也需要提前预定。我们到得早,在步道入口处领到当日的 Permit


三个山头都爬了。这是 Peak 1 of the Stawamus Chief, seen from Peak 2

第二个山头风景最好, The Squamish estuary and spit 

Howe Sound

Squamish Chief 山头风光无限

LLD from 2nd peak


爬过山,坐Sea to Sky Gondola,再看一次刚爬过的山头,三个山头

生前居住在Squamish的登山家Marc-André Leclerc, climbs the 1000-foot Grand Wall (5.11, AO) on Squamish Chief. In 2013, Marc-Andre Leclerc broke Honnold’s existing record by a few minutes, bringing it down from 59 to 57 minutes. In 2014, as rumour spread that Leclerc is the next Honnold, Alex took back his Grand Wall record. Honnold’s new speed record for the Grand Wall is 38 minutes, including the Roman Chimneys.

远处的山峰是 Sky Pilot

Chief and Howe Sound, Mount Garibaldi in the distance

Chief from Sea to Sky Gondola Parking Lot

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