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2020 冬游落基山 - D4 King Creek Ridge

(2021-03-18 16:45:22) 下一个

D4. 2020.12.20
Kananaskis Country - Kananaskis Trail Hikes
King Creek Ridge 7.3km, 740m

The hike up King Creek Ridge is spectacular – offering the chance to get up close with the spectacular Opal Range, views of Mount Wintour and the valley of the Kananaskis Lakes. Although this is a very steep hike in Canmore, it’s absolutely worth it for adventurous, fit hikers.

早上磨蹭到9点才出门,看到天空一抹朝霞,于是又跑到Vermillion Lake 看日出。昨夜有雪,湖面比前天更漂亮。可惜三脚架坏了,没拍合影。看了日出发现忘了戴帽子,又回到Cougar Street的住处拿帽子,最终9:50才上路。

Hwy40一路狂风,11:30才赶到trail head,????沿着公路停了几十米。上山时风依然很大,很多暴露的路段看不到前人的脚印。一路艰辛,两点才爬到山头,天气却转阴了。


1. 昨夜大雪,早上起来Banff街景

2. 9点出门,先去Vermillion Lake湖边看日出


4. 去King Creek Ridge一路狂风,天气预报下午风力减弱,然后开始下雪。

5. 在山腰回望,Kananaskis Country 景色尽收眼底

The path feels like it is going straight up, with only the slightest of switchbacks. Many braids have been created by various animals and people at certain junctures, but alas, the ascent is ever-continuous. Luckily, frequent breaks give you the chance to look behind at the wonderful views unfolding below.

6. 步道很陡,在树林里感觉安全些。Mount Wintour

7. 合影

8. 一跳

9. 摆Pose

10. Look back at the ice-cream-cone-shaped Mt. Wintour.

11. 下山了

12. 继续迎着美景下山

13. 好不容易山势变缓,找到个歇脚的地方

14.. 天黑开车回Banff,Hwy 40 一路山景很不错

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