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2020再进落基山 (2) - The Onion

(2020-11-16 13:51:08) 下一个

D2 August 30 Sunday
今年落基山整个八月的天气特别好,一直是晴天气温也高。步道上的冰雪都化了,喜欢徒步的人们都乐开了花。可惜等我们赶到就开始变天。昨天下午起风,预计半夜开始降温下雪。我们原计划今天去爬 Mount Temple,早上5:30闹钟响了,我看了眼天气预报,昨夜果然下了雪,现在Banff national park -6C!哎呦太冷了不爬了,翻个身继续睡。

再一睁眼已过7点,等吃饱喝足都八点多了。这时去 Moraine Lake 肯定会停车困难,于是决定去Bow Lake。上个月来爬 Cirque Peak 时,看到对面Bow Lake一带的湖光山色特美,今天去爬 The Onion,去近距离看雪山冰川和碧湖。

2-1. 步道的起点在Num-Ti-Jah Lodge, at the north end of Bow Lake,Spectacular Crowfoot Mountain across Bow Lake。可惜今天大风吹皱湖面没有上次的倒影。

2-2. 沿Bow Lake右侧的Lake Trail绕湖而行,正前方就是The Onion。别说,从这个角度看还真挺像个洋葱头:)

2-3. 全景是这样的

2-4. 绕过Bow Lake后,一路沿着冰川河前行

2-5. 步道在这里分叉,右边那条是去Bow Glacier Falls,左面这条通往But Hut

2-6. Wapta Icefield融化的蓝色冰川河水奔腾在曲折的峡谷,最后汇聚到Bow Lake。

2-6. 眼前一块巨石,我奋力爬上去。这大概是全程最难的一处,据说有人带着小梯子来爬的。

2-7. 巨石形成Natural Bridge

2-8. 四周无人,漂亮的景色真是让人驻足

2-9. 远处是高120米的Bow Glacier Falls. The falls originates from melt water from the Bow Glacier and flows into Bow Lake。


2-11. 右面依次是Saint Nicholas Peak, The Onion & Mt Thompson

2-12. 沿途数次跨国溪流

2-13. 远远的,能看到前方山坡上的Bow Hut

2-14. 阳光下,冰川不断融化汇成小溪流淌在山石上。

2-15. Bow Hut,可惜疫情期间没有预定不能进入

2-16. 再次走过小溪

2-17. 艳阳之下的St. Nicolas Peak 和冰川融化形成的 tarns

2-18. Glacier Foot

2-19. 昨夜降温湖面结了薄冰,等我们下午回来就全化了。

2-20. 这一带的石头特别漂亮

2-21. 这一段要Scramble,但比起走滚石,我更喜欢爬这样的大石头

2-22. 在步道终点俯瞰Glacier Lake和Bow Lake

2-22. 回望走过来的路


2-24. unique rock formations

2-. St. Nicolas Peak and Wapta Icefield. The Wapta Icefield is located on the Continental Divide in the Waputik Mountains of the Canadian Rockies, in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. The icefield is shared by Banff and Yoho National Parks and numerous outlet glaciers extend from the icefield, including the Vulture, Bow and Peyto Glaciers. Runoff from the icefields and outlet glaciers supply water to both the Kicking Horse and Bow Rivers, as well as numerous streams and lakes. Peyto Glacier, Bow Glacier, Yoho Glacier, Vulture Glacier, The Crowfoot Glacier which was once connected to this icefield is no longer part of the Wapta Icefields.

这一带有很多各色小水塘 (Tarns),蓝色、绿色、红色

Interesting Rock Formations


Interesting Rock Formations,Glacier Foot和冰川融化形成的蓝色水塘


GPS record: 24.8km, ascent 1245m, descent 1228m (1894-2678m)

今天走了将近12小时,天快黑才出山。倒不是步道有多难,而是景色太美,玩得实在太开心,舍不得离开。上个月LD说最美的一日步道是Cirque Peak,今天他又改了主意。不过他喜欢的两条步道相聚不远,仅隔着冰原大道相望。这人还算长情。[偷笑]

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