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(2024-03-07 03:03:15) 下一个
《推翻中共 再造共和 》
- 中国民主运动第一届国是会议宣言
1. 目前,中共专制统治内外交困,习近平独裁强化极权体制,加剧中国出现大变局的趋势,为中国民主化提供了契机。值此关键时刻,关注中国民主化的人们,应当认真研讨中国局势和世界各国经验教训,提出在中国重建宪政政治体制的方案和途径。
2. 民主建国首先要推翻中共暴政,建立自由、平等、公正与和谐的公民社会,鼓励和推动各种方式的民间抗暴斗争,支持旨在结束暴政的民变、兵变和政变,推动专业组织和机构参与运动,呼吁军队和警察与人民站在一起,喊话执政集团中有良知的党政要员果断结束中共暴政、回应人民民主化诉求。
3. 暴政结束后,各界协商成立临时政府,暂时管理国家事务,取缔中共在所有国家机器中的地位,释放中共关押的所有良心犯,接管中共暴政暴行机构的文件档案,维护经济和社会运行,举行圆桌会议,制定新宪法,依照新法选出新政府接管政府,并完成新旧国家政权的转换。
4. 新生的民主国家应当尊重和保障《世界人权宣言》所规定的公民权利,禁止对公民言论、出版、新闻、结社、集会示威的自由的侵害,严禁侵害人身自由、宗教信仰自由和财产所有权,特别是立法保护农民的土地权和企业家的产权,私有财产不容侵犯。
5. 民主中国的政府必须经由公开、平等和以规则为程序的公民选举产生,依法执政。未经公民直接或间接授权而强加于民的政府机构为暴政。在合法更换政府渠道被堵死时,公民有推翻暴政的权利。
6. 民主中国的政府依照宪政原则实行三权分立。包括警察在内的国家治理机器在政治生活中保持中立,任何党派不得在国家治理机构中活动。政府机构依法行政,严禁滥用权力和强迫公民遵守违法政令。
7. 民主中国的司法独立,保障公民的基本权利和维持社会的正常运行。法律面前人人平等。当权益受到侵害时,公民可以寻求司法救济。严禁操纵司法。
8. 民主中国实行军队国家化,维护国家主权和领土完整,抵御外来侵略,联合民主国家阵营维护世界和平为其三大基本任务。军队在政治上保持中立,不得参与政治,军人不得参加党派。改称号为国防军,民选总统为军队的最高统帅,改武警为地方警卫队,平时维护地方秩序,战时纳入国防军。
9. 民主中国的政府维护经济和金融的健康公正的运行,建立合理的社会保障系统,促进科学、教育、文化、健康和生态保护的发展,维护公民的公平发展机会。民主中国保护弱势群体的权利,促进各族群和社群平等分享发展和参与的机会。
10. 民主中国与自由民主阵营合作,积极参与以维护规则为基础的国际秩序,打击国际恐怖主义和专制势力,支持民主自由在全球的发展。
Overthrow the Chinese Communist Party and Rebuild the Republic
-- Declaration of the Chinese Democracy Movement’s First Congress on China’s Directions
March 3, 2024 
On March 2 and 3, 2024, we, a group of people from all walks of life who have long been committed to the cause of freedoms and democracy in China, after lively debates, reached the following consensus on the democratization process of China and a plan for building a democratic China.
1. Currently, the autocratic ruling of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is facing internal and external turmoil. Xi Jinping’s dictatorship has consolidated the totalitarian system, exacerbating the possibility of dramatic changes in China. Thus, an opportunity for China's democratization has been thrust upon us. At this critical juncture, those who have been looking forward to such a transformation should carefully examine the current state of China and study relevant experiences and lessons of other countries around the world, and draft plans and ways to rebuild a constitutional political institution in China.
2. To build a democratic nation, we must first overthrow the tyranny of the CCP and establish a free, equal, just, and harmonious civil society. We should encourage and promote all forms of people’s fights against the cruel regime, support people’s uprisings, mutinies, and coups aimed at ending the tyranny, encourage professional organizations and institutions to participate in such movements, call on the military and police to stand with the people, and urge key CCP and government officials within the ruling group to decisively terminate the CCP’s tyranny and meet people's demand for democratization.
3. Upon the termination of the cruel regime, representatives of all stakeholders will, through negotiations, establish a provisional government to administer state affairs in the interim, which shall ban the CCP from all state apparatuses, release all prisoners of conscience confined by the CCP, confiscate the archives of the CCP’s tyrannical and atrocious institutions, maintain economic and social operations, hold round table conferences to formulate a new constitution, have a new government elected to take over the governance in accordance with the new constitution, and accomplish the transition between the old regime and the new government.
4. The newborn democracy shall respect and protect the citizens’ rights as stipulated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, prohibit infringements of the citizens' freedoms of speech, publication, press, association, assembly, and demonstration, strictly forbid encroachments of individual and religious freedoms and property ownership. In particular, it shall legislate protection of peasants' land rights and entrepreneurs' ownership rights and shall not infringe upon private property rights.
5. The government of the democratic China shall be formed by open, equal, and rules-based citizen elections and govern in accordance with the law. Government institutions forced upon the people without the citizens’ direct or indirect authorization is a tyranny. In the case legal means for replacing a government are blocked, the people shall have the right to overthrow a tyranny.
6. The government of the democratic China shall implement separation of the legislative, executive, and judicial powers in accordance with constitutional principles. The national governance institutions, including the police, shall maintain a neutral stance in political life. No political party shall be allowed to operate within the national governance institutions. The government shall exercise its authority in accordance with the law and shall be strictly prohibited from abusing its power and forcing citizens to comply with illegal government decrees.
7. The democratic China shall have an independent judicial system, which shall protect the basic rights of the citizens and maintain normal operations of the society. Every individual shall be equal under the law. When their rights and interests are infringed, citizens shall have the right to seek judicial relief. Manipulation of the judicial system is strictly forbidden.
8. The democratic China shall have nationalized armed forces, which shall have three fundamental missions: safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, resisting foreign aggressions, and allying with other democratic countries to maintain world peace. The armed forces shall remain politically neutral and not be involved in politics. Service members are not allowed to join political parties. The name of the armed forces shall be changed to the National Defense Forces with the democratically elected president as its commander-in-chief. The current armed police shall be reorganized into local guard forces, which shall have responsibilities of maintaining local order in peacetime and may be incorporated into the National Defense Force in wartime.
9. The government of the democratic China shall maintain healthy and fair operations of the economy and finance, establish a reasonable social security system, promote developments of science, education, culture, health, and ecology protection, and protect equal development opportunities for the citizens. The democratic China shall protect rights of disadvantaged groups and promote equal sharing of development and participation opportunities for all ethnic groups and communities.
10. The democratic China shall cooperate with the free and democratic world, actively participate in maintaining a rules-based international order, combat international terrorism and authoritarian forces, and support developments of democracy and freedoms around the world.
We sincerely hope that all who agree with us will co-sign our declaration! Information on how to do so will follow in the near future.
Delegates of the First Congress on China’s Directions
Washington, DC, USA

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