2007 (1)
2008 (1)
2009 (9)
2010 (6)
2011 (3)
相看两不厌 , 是情的开始 , 相对两不嫌 , 是爱的归宿...
回复青草青青的评论: Thanks 青青 for coming to vis...
回复慧慧的评论: I guess that you must have had a ...
喜欢这种生活录像,很有身临其境的感觉, 谢谢分享。
回复慧慧的评论: 是的,“八年了,别提他了...” Th...
你居然八年没回家,可以想象此时此刻你的心情。 回上...
Thank you very much, I will as you wish!
Beautiful and touching song. Have a safe trip h...
Thank you,georgiagirl for visiting me here! I nev...
How lucky and happy in the life, its upto you feeling about!
(0/) 2010-12-27 13:59:10