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创业者的敏锐|Elon Musk再次出行北京 。。。

(2024-04-28 10:06:20) 下一个


Elon Musk非常重视面对面的交流和沟通,观察社会各层次人群,他在上海体验过街头便餐,北京涮过火锅。



1. Honored to meet with Premier Li Qiang.



2. 关于特斯拉25% voting control

I am uncomfortable growing Tesla to be a leader in AI & robotics without having ~25% voting control. Enough to be influential, but not so much that I can’t be overturned. Unless that is the case, I would prefer to build products outside of Tesla. You don’t seem to understand that Tesla is not one startup, but a dozen. Simply look at the delta between what Tesla does and GM. As for stock ownership itself being enough motivation, Fidelity and other own similar stakes to me. Why don’t they show up for work?





3. Tesla is the biggest AI project on Earth

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