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Zach Kirkhorn,曾名列财富杂志“40 Under 40”。
2019年1月,在特斯拉Q4 2018 Earnings Conference Call中,Elon Musk宣布了Zach Kirkhorn的任职,取代印度裔的cfoDeepak Ahuja。那年Zach Kirkhorn34岁,他在特斯拉工作已9年。财富杂志报道,他是财富500强中最年轻的cfo。
“...... becoming one of the youngest finance chiefs in the Fortune 500 (and later, according to an SEC filing, its only official “master of coin”), he has helped lurch the company into ludicrous mode—its stock price zooming more than 1,000% and its balance sheet expanding by billions of dollars. Once known for overpromising and under-delivering, Tesla has, under Kirkhorn’s tenure, learned Wall Street–pleasing discipline, though not at the expense of its maverick attitude. Kirkhorn led Tesla’s purchase of billions of dollars of Bitcoin earlier this year, cementing its reputation as a rebel. An alum of Microsoft and McKinsey, Kirkhorn is a quiet operator who, outside the spotlight soaked up by his larger-than-life boss, makes sure the cars run on time.”
2019年1月宣布任职的简短介绍中,Zach Kirkhorn谈到他为何选择特斯拉,非常有见地。也许,对年轻人今后职业选择有参考,附录中可见。
1. Tesla Q4 2018 Earnings Conference Call 片段:https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/29065/201902/5070.html?
2. 财富杂志报道:https://fortune.com/40-under-40/2021/zach-kirkhorn/
3. 简介:https://www.linkedin.com/in/zachkirkhorn