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Ray Dalio is the founder, co-Chief Investment Officer and co-Chairman of Bridgewater Associates, which is a global macro investment firm and is the world’s largest hedge fund.
Published Nov 11, 2021
Yesterday’s inflation report showed inflation raging so you are now seeing inflation erode your wealth. That is no surprise. At this time 1) the government is printing a lot more money, 2) people are getting a lot more money, and 3) that is producing a lot more buying that is producing a lot more inflation. Some people make the mistake of thinking that they are getting richer because they are seeing their assets go up in price without seeing how their buying power is being eroded. The ones most hurt are those who have their money in cash. Today I am sharing a part of the Determinants chapter of my new book, Principles for Dealing with The Changing World Order, to remind you of key principles that are relevant now. I did this study of the last 500 years to help me and I am passing it along in this book to help you understand and deal with what is happening now. I hope it is of some value for positioning yourself for what is going on.
Here are the key principles to keep in mind:
Wealth = Buying Power
Wealth ≠ Financial Wealth
Making Wealth = Being Productive
Wealth Decline = Power Decline