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设计师林璎丈夫Daniel Wolf 的故事

(2021-05-07 21:17:02) 下一个


 Daniel Wolf 今年一月二十五日,心脏病突发去世。


 Formed a peerless photography collection for the J Paul Getty Museum and curated the landmark 1989 Royal Academy exhibition to mark 150 years of the art form


The collector Daniel Wolf had three qualities that he always seemed to hold in perfect balance—a love and sensitivity for beautiful objects, a deep appreciation of the wonders of nature, and finally a gift for intense friendship, not necessarily with people in the art world. Indeed, he consciously distanced himself from many art figures that he felt were untrue in their “passions”. He preferred people from the world of film-making, journalism, architecture and those artists in whom he believed and from whom he felt he could learn. Wolf died at his house in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, the first to be commissioned from the Italian designer Ettore Sottsass, who—very much as a result of Wolf’s inspired and enthusiastic commission—turned in the 1980s from a focus on industrial and retail design to the practice of domestic architecture.


Wolf and his wife the architect Maya Lin at home in Colorado with their daughters India (far left) and Rose (second left)

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