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Through times of crisis, 2021 University Medal finalists embraced leadership
Students in the UC Berkeley Class of 2021 pursued their studies and came of age in a time of historic challenge, working through wildfires, political turmoil, the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic shock to earn their degrees.
But in times of crisis, some people persist and rise to leadership. That’s true of the 2021 University Medal winner, Leyla Kabuli, and of the four Medal finalists: Mira Cheng, Ben Harper, Alan Huang and Nayzak Wali-Ali. In their own ways, each turned the challenges of these years into an opportunity for service.
The University Medal was established in 1871, and this year celebrates its 150th anniversary. Candidates must have achieved a GPA of 3.96 or higher while overcoming significant challenges and making a positive impact on the lives of other people.