2010 (1)
2011 (1)
2013 (42)
2018 (128)
2020 (783)
2021 (1188)
2022 (1546)
2024 (1287)
To make society work better, the new system must both increase the size of the pie and divide it well. Our ability to consume is dependent on our ability to produce, not the amount of money we get in the mail. You can't eat money. Somebody must get paid to produce and deliver what we consume. And we can't raise our living standards by just giving people money — they need to be incentivized to produce, and that must be done cost-effectively through some system that is not administered from the top. Most fundamentally, that system must strive to provide 1) equal opportunity to all those who have the potential to produce (because that is both most fair and most productive) and 2) basic needs to those who are unable to (because that is humane and what is fundamentally needed to have a good community).