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子女坛的孩子:The 27-Year-Old Who Became a Covid-19 Data Superstar

(2021-02-22 13:05:41) 下一个


文章作者,是出生于南非的大名鼎鼎的Ashlee Vance,给Elon Musk写传记的作家。




The 27-Year-Old Who Became a Covid-19 Data Superstar


“His model was the only one that seemed sane,” says Jeremy Howard, a renowned data expert and research scientist at the University of San Francisco. “The other models were shown to be nonsense time and again, and yet there was no introspection from the people publishing the forecasts or the journalists reporting on them. Peoples’ lives were depending on these things, and Youyang was the one person actually looking at the data and doing it properly.”

The forecasting model that Gu built was, in some ways, simple. He had first considered examining the relationship among Covid tests, hospitalizations, and other factors but found that such data was being reported inconsistently by states and the federal government. The most reliable figures appeared to be the daily death counts. “Other models used more data sources, but I decided to rely on past deaths to predict future deaths,” Gu says. “Having that as the only input helped filter the signal from the noise.”




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