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当许多公司为了节省开支,将客服移师海外的时候,zappos反其道而行,强化24/7人性化的客户服务 。
Zappos’ CEO on Using Corporate Relocation to Preserve Customer-Led Culture
1.“We settled on Las Vegas for a number of reasons. It’s an all-night city where employees are used to working at any hour, which would help us find people willing to take the overnight shift. And because so much of the city’s economy is focused on hospitality, the city has a customer service mentality—employees there are used to thinking of people as guests. We also thought it was the alternative that would make our current staff the happiest.”
2. “Amazon has always described its goal as being the most customer-centric company in the world, but its approach is more high-tech than ours. Ours is more high-touch—we try to make a personal connection. Since the sale, we’ve learned from Amazon’s technology: We’ve started to track some metrics Amazon tracks, and we’re learning how it thinks about warehouse operations. We’ve also expanded far beyond shoes.”
3.“Last year 25,000 people applied for jobs with us, and we hired only 250. Someone told me that statistically it’s harder to get a job at Zappos than it is to get admitted to Harvard, which says a lot about the strength of the culture we’ve created here.”