2010 (1)
2011 (1)
2013 (42)
2018 (128)
2020 (783)
2021 (1188)
2022 (1546)
2024 (1287)
1. 麦肯锡2020年的研究报告: Women in the Workplace
The Covid-19 crisis has disrupted corporate America in ways we’ve never seen before. No one is experiencing business as usual, but women—especially mothers, senior-level women and Black women—have faced distinct challenges. One in four women are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce due to Covid-19.
This year’s report makes one thing clear: Corporate America is at a critical crossroads. Without bold steps, we could erase all the progress we’ve made toward gender diversity in the six years of this study. But if companies rise to the moment, we can lay the foundation for a more flexible and equitable workplace in the long-term.
2. 一份研究报告:
3. https://www.representwomen.org/current-women-representation#us_overview