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Robin Ren,中文名任宇翔(照片中右2),今年6月离开特斯拉全球业务发展副总裁一职。他是特斯拉上海超级工厂 “上海速度” 和开拓中国市场的重要功臣。
2019年1月7日,特斯拉上海超级工厂破土动工;2020年1月7日,特斯拉正式对外交付10辆Model 3。“我们创造了上海速度,也创造了汽车行业的新纪录。”马斯克表示,感谢上海团队的辛勤工作,为大家创造了一个奇迹。
当特斯拉市值超丰田,7月1日cnn报道,“ new Shanghai facility made vehicles most of the quarter.”
Ren also led the effort to secure the deal for Tesla to build its factory in Shanghai — resulting in Tesla becoming the first foreign automaker to have a wholly owned factory in China.
At the time, CEO Elon Musk commented on Ren’s work:
Robin is doing a great job running worldwide sales, lots of work done. China was really some next-level stuff. Robin was born and raised in Shanghai and has been, along with Tom and Grace and others from the team in China, has been sort of instrumental in establishing the China factory and making sure that gets done right and having a great relationship with the government. And so it’s nice work in that regard.
By helping Tesla secure a very important deal in China, he leaves an important legacy for the company.
Ren was “instrumental” in helping Tesla set up a plant in Shanghai, Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said on a call with investors in 2018.
Robin Ren 在Tesla的经历:
VP Business Development
VP Worldwide Sales
VP Asia Pacific
1. https://new.qq.com/omn/20200107/20200107A0P0QB00.html?
2. https://electrek.co/2020/06/09/tesla-loses-top-executive-robin-ren/?
3. http://www.fortunechina.com/management/c/2016-03/10/content_257481.htm
4. https://www.linkedin.com/in/renrobin
5. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/01/investing/tesla-market-value/index.html