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10 Most Awesome Robot Until 2015

(2015-03-03 20:49:09) 下一个

10. LS QUADRUPED By Boston Dynamics. The Legged Squad Support System (LS3) is a DARPA project for a legged robot which could function autonomously as a packhorse for a squad of soldiers. Like BigDog, its quadruped predecessor, the LS3 is ruggedized for military use, with the ability to operate in hot, cold, wet, and dirty environments

9. CHEETAH By MIT. heetah is off the leash! Researchers at MIT have built a four-legged robot that runs like the super-fast spotted feline and can even run on its own power, off a treadmill. The robot has now been filmed sprinting like a champ across grassy fields on the MIT university campus.

8. WILDCAT By BOSTON DYNAMICS. The original Cheetah robot runs on a high-speed treadmill in the laboratory where it is powered by an off-board hydraulic pump and uses a boom-like device to keep it running in the center of the treadmill. A free-running Cheetah that will operate more naturally in the field, named the WildCat, was unveiled to the public on October 3, 2013.

7. PAUL DRAWING ROBOT By PATRICK TRESSET. Paul the robot drawing Patrick at tenderpixel gallery, London. Paul the robot was part of Patrick Tresset's exhibition at tenderpixel in central London. Some of the technologies used to drive Paul were developped by Patrick Tresset in the context of AIkon-II, a research project co-directed with Prof. Fol Leymarie, hosted at Goldsmiths college and funded in part by a 3.5 year research grant from the Leverhulme Trust

6. PETMAN By BOSTON DYNAMICS. PETMAN (Protection Ensemble Test Mannequin)[16] is a bipedal device constructed for testing chemical protection suits. It is the first anthropomorphic robot that moves dynamically like a real person. Much of its technology is derived from BigDog

5. NASA CURIOSITY ROVER By NASA. Observations by NASA’s Curiosity Rover indicate Mars' Mount Sharp was built by sediments deposited in a large lake bed over tens of millions of years.

4. BIONIC KANGAROO By FESTO. Bionic kangaroo, Festo intelligently combines pneumatic and electrical drive technology to produce a highly dynamic system. The stable jump kinematics plus the precise control technology ensure stability when jumping and landing. The consistent lightweight construction facilitates the unique jumping behaviour. The system is controlled by gestures.

3. ACTROID By KOKORO. Actroid is a type of android (humanoid robot) with strong visual human-likeness developed by Osaka University and manufactured by Kokoro Company Ltd. (the animatronics division of Sanrio). It was first unveiled at the 2003 International Robot Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan.

2. NAO NEXT GENERATION. humanoid robot NAO from Aldebaran Robotics for yourself, even if you are not an academic or a hardcore developer. According to Génération Robots, a European partner of Aldebaran Robotics, they are selling NAO Next Gen (that’s the fourth of the four versions of NAOs out there) with the starting price of 5628 €. In North America, the RobotsLab is offering NAO for $7990 – down from $16,000.

1. ASIMO By HONDA. ASIMO Honda demonstrates ASIMO around the world to encourage and inspire young students to study the sciences. And in the future, ASIMO may serve as another set of eyes, ears, hands and legs for all kinds of people in need. Someday ASIMO might help with important tasks like assisting the elderly or a person confined to a bed or a wheelchair. ASIMO might also perform certain tasks that are dangerous to humans, such as fighting fires or cleaning up toxic spills.

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