

Are Asian women better in bed and good wives?

(2007-06-22 23:47:41) 下一个

Are Asian women better in bed and good wives?
Is it true that the Asian women are more willing to do all the houseohold chores and not complain, more wiling to have \bsexo?\b when their man wants, and the position he wants. Asian women have feminine attitudes toward their men?

Is it true that Asian women are better \bsexo?\b partners and better marriage partners?
Is it true that there is a difference between those raised in the west?
NO !!
this feeds the stereotype.. but in a way that is self patrinizing so you'd accept posting such.. and asking such self patronizing question.. ETHNICITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.. and being good is a subjective summary by an individual at a particular moment..
the only person who is ever good is bed is one who appreciaebing there, and whom is being appreciated in the mate who is there with them..
All these stereotypes of self elating ego flattery that is sought for the mere sake of being Asian.. then when some guy say a particular thing he likes about Asian, then the first thing women of Asian ethnicity come back with is, to say they don't want to be stereotyped..
I know Asian men who want nothing to do with Asian women in bed.. and his summary is that they are too reserved and and some are too inhibited in engaging in creativity..
so .. you can get a thousand plus and a thousand minus to such a .. sterotypical question that is with an undertone of self flattery.
it's all individual.. and what ever happens in bed is never any better than the individuals think it is.. acrobatics and over-activety and docile inactivity.. is nothing more than moods of the moment..and sometimes it's exaggeratted in both dimensions..
mercy... no wonder people burn out on each other so quick.. they are either in bed trying to prove or disprove a stereotype..
instead of being in bed to share the expressiveness of feeling and emotions with each other..
Asian women are no better than any other women, and any other women are no better than Asian women..
it's a matter of simple preference of what appeals to the eys and minds of individuals..
anyone who is chasing stereo types based on some media depictions of some folklore delusional rheotric.. is about as foolish as the one they chose base on such insanity..
wht ever happen to individuals who actually act and be individuals...
everybody is trying so hard to be special they can't even be real.. or to fit some mold.. if it's patronizing and fighting some mold if they think it's not patronizing..
I've seen beautiful women of all ethnicities.. and there will always be beautiful women of all ethnicities..
What in general women may need to graduate from is the bed activity assesment.. and concentrate on more of being self expressive and honest in what is expressed and shared. PERIOD !!!
and many have been groomed ( of all ethnicities) to play what ever role they precieve will delude the man and bring him to a level of

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