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(2008-07-27 08:14:33) 下一个

Bacharach, Burg Stahleck


Bacharach, Weinhaus Altes Haus


Rheindiebach, Ruine Fürstenberg


Niederheimbach Blick auf Burg Hohneck


Niederheimbach, Burg Sooneck

Rheinland Pfalz

Trechtingshausen Burg Rheinstein


Bingen, Blick zum Mäuseturm mit Ruine Ehrenfels/Rüdesheim am Rhein

Rheinland-Pfalz / Hessen

Rüdesheim am Rhein, Ruine Ehrenfels


Rüdesheim am Rhein, Blick zur Brömserburg


Rüdesheim am Rhein-Assmanshausen


Geisenheim, Stockheimer Hof


Eltville am Rhein, Kloster Eberbach


Eltville am Rhein, Kloster Eberbach


Wiesbaden-Biebrich, Schloss Biebrich


Burg Stahleck

Burg Stahleck bei Bacharach

Burg Ehrenfels, built around 1215 as a customs fortress, passing into the possession of the archbishops of Mainz around 1270.

The Mueturm tower on an island in the middle of the Rhine River. Probably built in the 13th century as a lookout tower for Castle Ehrenfels.

Legend has it that the hard-hearted Bishop Otto sought refuge in the tower from a swarm of mice, but the mice swam after him and devoured him.

Burg Rheinstein, first built around 900 as a customs house for the empire.

In 990, given by Emperor Otto III to the archbishopric of Mainz, which extended it into a fortress.

Prince Fredrich Wilhelm of Prussia bought the ruin in 1825 and rebuilt it.

The Clemens Chapel below Burg Reichenstein. The chapel was built in the 13th century and is one of the oldest churches along the Rhine.

Burg Reichenstein, built in the 11th century. Destroyed in 1253 and again in 1282.

Reichenstein was purchased and renovated in 1899 by Baron von Kirsch-Puricelli

Burg Sooneck, built in the 12th century.

Burg Sooneck was also destroyed in the 13th century, and was rebuilt in 1349.

Sooneck was destroyed by the French in 1689, and rebuilt in the romantic style by Prine Fredrich Wilhelm of Prussia.

Castle Furstenberg, built in 1200 by the Archbishop of Cologne

Destroyed by the French in 1689, it has been a ruin ever since. The tower has remained in good condition (and is being repaired here.)

The Gothic parish church in the town of Lorch was first built in the 13th century

Lorch\'s Gothic parish church.

Burg Stahleck, above the town of Bacharach, was started in the twelfth century.

Destroyed by the French in 1689, Stahleck became a youth hostel in 1925.

The island fortress Pfalzgrafenstein resembles a stone ship, pointed upstream, in the middle of the river near Kaub.

Castle Gutenfels, above the town of Kaub.

Pfalzgrafenstein was used to collect exhorbitant tolls on the river.

Pfalzgrafenstein was never taken, because the rocky promontory and swift current make it virtually impregnable. Burg Gutenfels can be seen in the background.

Burg Gutenfels, above the Pfalzgrafenstein, was used by Ludwig the Bavarian as a customs fortress to collect Rhine tolls

Gutenfels was built circa 1200 by officials of the Falkenstein-Muezenberg. (

Sch鰊burg Castle, above the town of Oberwesel, was first built before 1149.

By 1266, no fewer than five families of the lords of Sch鰊burg were living in the castle.

The Church of St. Martin in the town of Oberwesel.

Destroyed by the French in 1689, it was purchased in 1885 and renovation work began.

A closer view of St. Martin\'s church.

A view of Oberwesel with parts of its medieval town fortifications, and the Church of Our Lady in the background.

The Church of our Lady in Oberwesel, along with a tower of the town\'s fortifications.

The Ochsenturm (Oxen Tower) in Oberwesel

The famous Lorely rock.

Burg Katz, above St. Goarshausen, was built in 1371.

A view of Rheinfels Castle, above the town of St. Goar, was built in the middle of the 13th century.

A closer shot of Rheinfels Castle.

After hiking up to Rheinfels castle, here is a shot of the outer courtyard (although it sure looked like a moat.)

Laurie and Dennis inside the first entranceway of Rheinfels.

Laurie looking out on the Rhine from a vantage in Rheinfels castle.

A view of the interior courtyard of Rheinfels castle.

Looking off the clock tower of Rheinfels, along the river side of the castle.

Laurie and Dennis on the clock tower. You can see Burg Maus in the background.

A better shot of Laurie and Dennis.

Burg Katz, formally Neukatzenelnbogen, built above St. Goarshausen in 1371.

Burg Katz, blown up by the French in 1806 and partially restored in 1896.

Sch鰊burg, St. Martin\'s Church, and Oberwesel.

One of the medieval fortifications of Oberwesel.

Other fortifications in Oberwesel.

Sch鰊burg and St. Martin\'s Church

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