2006 (17)
2007 (11)
2008 (1)
2009 (1)
Lq兄好:)尤喜下阕. "沉吟吾心,何处归程?"... 词...
US$ reach cretical level against CND$
FX trading is very challeging and exciting. But I...
Thanks for all your comments and comforts. I'm try...
I can see you are smart. But what weakness smart ...
I read the article about FX trading. I dont fee...
L:The market is very sensitive and over-reactive. ...
Dear Brother LQ2004: I am sorry to read your s...
[七言] 随风
(0/) 2006-12-25 07:29:06
[七律] 自嘲
(0/) 2006-12-24 08:58:33
[七言] 何扰
(2/) 2006-12-16 10:35:58
[七绝] 醉吟
(0/) 2006-12-12 18:26:05