Let only that little be left of me whereby I may name thee my all。
Let only that little be left of my will whereby I may feel thee on every side,and come to thee in everything,and offer to thee my love every moment。
Let only that little be left of me whereby I may never hide thee。
Let only that little of my fetters be left whereby I am bound with thy will,andthy purpose is carried out in my life连-and that is the fetter of thy love。的旨意-这是你爱的束缚。
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrowdomestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desertsand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought andaction在-Into that heaven of freedom,my Father,let my country awake。由的天国,我的父啊,让我的国家觉醒吧。
This is my prayer to thee,my lord-strike,strike at the root of penury inmy heart。我对你的祈求,我的主-请你清除,清除我心里贫穷的根源。
Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows。
Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service。
Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees beforeinsolent might。
Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles。
And give me the strength to surrender my strength to thy will with love。
I thought that my voyage had come to its end at the last limit of my power,-that the path before me was closed,that provisions were exhausted and the timecome to take shelter in a silent obscurity。前路已尽,储粮已绝,隐没在静默中的时间已经来临。
But I find that thy will knows no end in me。And when old words die out onthe tongue,new melodies break forth from the heart;and where the old tracksare lost,new country is revealed with its wonders。
That I want thee,only thee-let my heart repeat without end。All desires thatdistract me,day and night,are false and empty to the core。日夜诱惑我的所有欲望,都虚伪而空洞到极致。
As the night keeps hidden in its gloom the petition for light,even thus in thedepth of my unconsciousness rings the cry-,“I want thee,only thee”,-“我需要你,只需要你。”
As the storm still seeks its end in peace when it strikes against peace withall its might,even thus my rebellion strikes against thy love and still its cry is-“Iwant thee,only thee”。
的爱,而它的呼声仍是-“我需要你,只需要你。”就像风暴用尽全力来对抗平静,却寻求终止于平静。我的反抗冲击着你 39 When the heart is hard and parched up,come upon me with a shower of mercy。
When grace is lost from life,come with a burst of song。
When tumultuous work raises its din on all sides shutting me out from beyond,come to me,my lord of silence,with thy peace and rest。
When my beggarly heart sits crouched,shut up in a corner,break open thedoor,my king,and come with the ceremony of a king。
When desire blinds the mind with delusion and dust,O thou holy one,thouwakeful,come with thy light and thy thunder。
The rain has held back for days and days,my God,in my arid heart。Thehorizon is fiercely naked-not the thinnest cover of a soft cloud,not the vaguesthint of a distant cool shower。心一天天总无雨水的滋润。天边是残酷的赤裸-没有一片轻薄的柔云,没有一丝遥远而清凉的雨意。
Send thy angry storm,dark with death,if it is thy wish,and with lashes oflightning startle the sky from end to end。
But call back,my lord,call back this pervading silent heat, still and keen and cruel,burning the heart with dire despair。
Let the cloud of grace bend low from above like the tearful look of the mother on the day of the father’s wrath。
Where dost thou stand behind them all,my lover,hiding thyself in the shadows?They push thee and pass thee by on the dustyroad,taking thee for naught。I wait here weary hours spreading my offerings forthee,while passers-by come and take my flowers,one by one,and my basket isnearly empty。
The morning time is past,and the noon。In the shade of evening my eyesare drowsy with sleep。Men going home glance at me and smile and fill me withshame。I sit like a beggar maid,drawing my skirt over my face,and when theyask me,what it is I want,I drop my eyes and answer them not。
清晨和中午的时间已逝。夜色中,我睡眼朦胧。回家的人看着我微笑,让 我心感羞愧。我像女乞丐一样坐着,用裙子遮住我的脸,当他们问我想要什么时,我垂下眼帘,闭口不答。
Oh,how,indeed,could I tell them that for thee I wait,and that thou hastpromised to come。How could I utter for shame that I keep for my dowry thispoverty。Ah,I hug this pride in the secret of my heart。
I sit on the grass and gaze upon the sky and dream of the sudden splendourof thy coming-all the lights ablaze,golden pennons flying over thy car,and theyat the roadside standing agape,when they see thee come down from thy seatto raise me from the dust,and set at thy side this ragged beggar girl a-tremble with shame and pride,like a creeper in a summer breeze。
至的光彩壮丽-万彩辉映,车上金旗飘扬,我坐在草地上,凝望天空,梦想你突然而 他们目瞪口呆地在路边站立,众目睽睽之下, 你从座位上下来,把我从尘土中扶起,安置 在你身边。我这衣衫褴褛的女乞丐,因羞愧 和自豪而颤抖,像蔓藤在夏日的微风中飘摇。
But time glides on and still no sound of the wheels of thy chariot。Many a procession passes by with noise and shouts and glamour of glory。Is it only thou who wouldst stand in the shadow silent and behind them all?And only I who would wait and weep andwear out my heart in vain longing?
Early in the day it was whispered that we should sail in a boat,only thou and I,and never a soul in the world would know of this our pilgrimage to no countryand to no end。
In that shoreless ocean,at thy silently listening smile my songs would swell in melodies,free as waves,free from all bondage of words。
Is the time not come yet?Are there works still to do?Lo, the evening has come down upon the shore and in the fading light the seabirds come flying to their nests。
Who knows when the chains will be off,and the boat,like the last glimmerof sunset,vanish into the night?
The day was when I did not keep myself in readiness for thee;and enteringmy heart unbidden even as one of the common crowd,unknown to me,my king,thou didst press the signet of eternity upon many a fleeting moment of my life。
And today when by chance I light upon them and see thy signature,I findthey have lain scattered in the dust mixed with the memory of joys and sorrows ofmy trivial days forgotten。
Thou didst not turn in contempt from my childish play among dust,and thesteps that I heard in my playroom are the same that are echoing from star to star。
This is my delight,thus to wait and watch at the wayside where shadowchases light and the rain comes in the wake of the summer。
Messengers,with tidings from unknown skies,greet me and speed alongthe road。My heart is glad within,and the breath of the passing breeze is sweet。
From dawn till dusk I sit here before my door,and I know that of a suddenthe happy moment will arrive when I shall see。
In the meanwhile I smile and I sing all alone。In the meanwhile the air isfilling with the perfume of promise。
Have you not heard his silent steps?He comes,comes, ever comes。
Every moment and every age,every day and every night he comes,comes,ever comes。
Many a song have I sung in many a mood of mind,but all their notes have always proclaimed,“He comes,comes, ever comes。”
In the fragrant days of sunny April through the forest path he comes,comes,ever comes。
In the rainy gloom of July nights on the thundering chariot of clouds hecomes,comes,ever comes。
In sorrow after sorrow it is his steps that press upon my heart,and it is the golden touch of his feet that makes my joy to shine。
I know not from what distant time thou art ever coming nearer to meet me。Thy sun and stars can never keep thee hidden from me for aye。
In many a morning and evening thy footsteps have been heard and thymessenger has come within my heart and called me in secret。
I know not only why today my life is all astir,and a feeling of tremulous joy ispassing through my heart。
It is as if the time were come to wind up my work,and I feel in the air a faintsmell of thy sweet presence。
The night is nearly spent waiting for him in vain。I fear lest in the morninghe suddenly come to my door when I have fallen asleep wearied out。Oh friends,leave the way open to him-forbid him not。
If the sounds of his steps does not wake me,do not try to rouse me,I pray。I wish not to be called from my sleep by the clamorous choir of birds,by the riotof wind at the festival of morning light。Let me sleep undisturbed even if my lordcomes of a sudden to my door。
如果他的脚步声没有惊醒我,不要唤醒我。我不想让鸟类嘈杂的合唱和庆祝晨光的暴风,打扰了我的睡梦。即使是我的主人突然 来到我家的门前,也让我安心地睡眠。
Ah,my sleep,precious sleep,which only waits for his touch to vanish。Ah,my closed eyes that would open their lids only to the light of his smile when he stands before me like a dream emerging from darkness of sleep。
Let him appear before my sight as the first of all lights and all forms。The firstthrill of joy to my awakened soul let it come from his glance。And let my return tomyself be immediate return to him。
The morning sea of silence broke into ripples of bird songs;and the flowerswere all merry by the roadside;and the wealth of gold was scattered through therift of the clouds while we busily went on our way and paid no heed。
We sang no glad songs nor played;we went not to the village for barter;we spoke not a word nor smiled;we lingered not on the way。We quickened our pave more and more as the time sped by。
The sun rose to the mid sky and doves cooed in the shade。
Withered leaves danced and
whirled in the hot air of noon。
The shepherd boy drowsed
and dreamed in the shadow of the banyan tree, and I laid myself down by the water and stretched my tired limbs on the grass。
My companions laughed at me in scorn;they held their heads high and hurried on;they never looked back nor rested;
they vanished in the distant blue haze。They crossed many meadows and hills,and passed through strange,far-away countries。All honour to you,heroic host of the interminable path!Mockery and reproach pricked me to rise,but found no response in me。I gave myself up for lost in the depth of a glad humiliation-inthe shadow of a dim delight。
我的同伴嘲笑我;他们抬头疾走;他们不回头,也不休息,他们消失在遥远的雾霭之中。他们穿过许多草地和山丘,走过陌生遥远的地方。长途中的英雄队伍啊,荣誉是属于你们的!讥笑和责备促我起立,但我无动于衷。我甘 The repose of the sun-embroidered green gloom slowly spread overmy heart。I forgot for what I had travelled,and I surrendered my mind withoutstruggle to the maze of shadows and songs。
At last,when I woke from my slumber and opened my eyes,I saw theestanding by me,flooding my sleep with thy smile。How I had feared that the pathwas long and wearisome,and the struggle to reach thee was hard!
Thou came down from thy throne and stood at my cottage door。
I was singing all alone in a corner,and the melody caught thy ear。Thoucame down and stood at my cottage door。
Masters are many in thy hall,and songs are sung there at all hours。But thesimple carol of this novice struck at thy love。One plaintive little strain mingled withthe great music of the world,and with a flower for a prize thou came down andstopped at my cottage door。
I had gone a-begging from door to door in the village path,when thygolden chariot appeared in the distance like a gorgeous dream and I wonderedwho was this King of all kings!
My hopes rose high and I thought my evil days were at an end,and Istood waiting for alms to be given unasked and for wealth scattered on allsides in the dust。
The chariot stopped where I stood。Thy glance fell on me and thou came down with a smile。I felt that the luck of my life had come at last。Then of a sudden thou didst hold out thy right hand and say“What hast thou to give to me?”
Ah,what a kingly jest was it to open thy palm to a beggar to beg!I was confused and stood undecided,and then from my wallet I slowly took out the least little grain of corn and gave it to thee。
But how great my surprise when at the day’s end I emptied my bag on thefloor to find a least little grain of gold among the poor heap。I bitterly wept andwished that I had hated the heart to give thee my all。
The night darkened。Our day’s works had been done。We thought that thelast guest had arrived for the night and the doors in the village were all shut。Onlysome said the king was to come。We laughed and said“No,it cannot be!”
It seemed there were knocks at the door and we said it was nothing but thewind。We put out the lamps and lay down to sleep。Only some said,“It is themessenger!”We laughed and said“No,it must be the wind!”
There came a sound in the dead of the night。We sleepily thought it was thedistant thunder。The earth shook,the walls rocked,and it troubled us in our sleep。Only some said it was the sound of wheels。We said in a drowsy murmur,“No,itmust be the rumbling of clouds!”
The night was still dark when the drum sounded。The voice came“Wakeup!delay not!”We pressed our hands on our hearts and shuddered with fear。Some said,Lo,there is the king’s flag!”We stood up on our feet and cried Thereis no time for delay!”
The king has come-but where are lights,where are wreaths?Whereis the throne to seat him?Oh,shame!Oh utter shame!Where is the hall,thedecorations?Someone has said,“Vain is this cry!Greet him with empty hands,lead him into thy rooms all bare!”
Open the doors,let the conch-shells be sounded!In the depth of the nighthas come the king of our dark,dreary house。The thunder roars in the sky。Thedarkness shudders with lightning。Bring out thy tattered piece of mat andspread it in the courtyard。With the storm has come of a sudden our king ofthe fearful night。
I thought I should ask of thee-but I dared not-the rose wreath thou hadston thy neck。Thus I waited for the morning,when thou didst depart,to find a fewfragments on the bed。And like a beggar I searched in the dawn only for a straypetal or two。我应该向你请求-但是我又不敢-你挂在脖子上的玫瑰花环。这样,我等到早上,想当你离开时,在床上找到些碎片。我像乞丐一样破晓就来寻找,只为一两片散落的花瓣。
Ah me,what is it I find?What token left of thy love?
It is no flower,no spices,no vase of perfumed water。It is thy mighty sword,flashing as a flame,heavy as a bolt of thunder。The young light of morning comes through the window and spread itself upon thy bed。The morning bird twitters and asks,“Woman,what hast thou got?”No,it is no flower,nor spices,nor vase of perfumed water-
it is thy dreadful sword。
I sit and muse in wonder,what gift is this of thine。I can find no place to hideit。I am ashamed to wear it,frail as I am,and it hurts me when press it to mybosom。Yet shall I bear in my heart this honour of the burden of pain,this giftof thine。
From now there shall be no fear left for me in this world,and thou shalt bevictorious in all my strife。Thou hast left death for my companion and I shall crown him with my life。Thy sword is with me to cut asunder my bonds,and there shallbe no fear left for me in the world。
From now I leave off all petty decorations。Lord of my heart,no more shallthere be for me waiting and weeping in corners,no more coyness and sweetnessof demeanour。Thou hast given me thy sword for adornment。No more doll’sdecorations for me!
Beautiful is thy wristlet,decked with stars and cunningly wrought in myriad-coloured jewels。But more beautiful to me thy sword with its curve of lightning like the outspread wings of the divine bird of Vishnu,perfectly poised in the angry red light of the sunset。
It quivers like the one last response of life in ecstasy of pain at the final stroke of death;it shines like the pure flame of being burning up earthly sense with one fierce flash。
Beautiful is thy wristlet,decked with starry gems;
but thy sword,O lord of thunder,is wrought with uttermost beauty,terrible to behold or think of。
I asked nothing from thee;I uttered not my name to thine ear。When thoutook’st thy leave I stood silent。I was alone by the well where the shadow of thetree fell aslant,and the women had gone home with their brown earthen pitchersfull to the brim。They called me and shouted,“Come with us,the morningis wearing on to noon。”But I languidly lingered awhile lost in the midst ofvague musings。
I heard not thy steps as thou camest。Thine eyes were sad when they fellon me;thy voice was tired as thou spokest low-“Ah,I am a thirsty traveller。”
I started up from my day-dreams and poured water from my jar on thy joined palms。The leaves rustled overhead;the cuckoo sang from the unseen dark,and perfume of babla flowers came from the bend of the road。
疲惫地低语-“啊,我是一个干渴的旅者。”我从幻梦中你走来了,我没有听见你的脚步。你幽怨地看着我, 惊起,把我罐里的水倒入你捧着的手掌。树叶在头顶沙沙 作响;杜鹃在幽暗处歌唱,曲径飘来了胶树的花香。
I stood speechless with shame when my name thou didst ask。Indeed,what had I done for thee to keep me in remembrance?But the memory that I could give water to thee to allay thy thirst will cling to my heart and enfold it in sweetness。The morning hour is late,the bird sings in weary notes,neem leaves rustleoverhead and I sit and think and think。
Languor is upon your heart and the slumber is still on your eyes。
Has not the word come to you that the flower is reigning in splendouramong thorns?Wake,oh awaken!let not the time pass in vain!
At the end of the stony path,in the country of virgin solitude,my friend issitting all alone。Deceive him not。Wake,oh awaken!
What if the sky pants and trembles with the heat of the midday sun-what ifthe burning sand spreads its mantle of thirst-即使灼热的沙粒铺开它干渴的外衣-
Is there no joy in the deep of your heart?At every footfall of yours,will notthe harp of the road break out in sweet music of pain?
Thus it is that thy joy in me is so full。Thus it is that thou hast come down tome。O thou lord of all heavens,where would be thy love if I were not?
Thou hast taken me as thy partner of all this wealth。In my heart is theendless play of thy delight。In my life thy will is ever taking shape。
And for this,thou who art the King of kings hast decked thyself in beauty tocaptivate my heart。And for this,thy love loses itself in the love of thy lover,andthere art thou seen in the perfect union of two。
Light,my light,the world-filling light,the eye-
kissing light,heart-sweetening light!
Ah,the light dances,my darling,at the centre of my life;the light strikes,my darling,the chords of my love;
the sky opens,the wind runs wild,laughter passes over the earth。
The butterflies spread their sails on the sea of light。Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light。
The light is shattered into gold on every cloud,my darling,and it scatters gems in profusion。
Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf,my darling,and gladness without measure。The heaven’s river has drowned its banks and the flood of joy is abroad。
Let all the strains of joy mingle in my last song-the joy that makes the earthflow over in the riotous excess of the grass,the joy that sets the twin brothers,lifeand death,dancing over the wide world,the joy that sweeps in with the tempest,shaking and waking all life with laughter,the joy that sits still with its tears on theopen red lotus of pain,and the joy that throws everything it has upon the dust,and knows not a word。
Yes,I know,this is nothing but thy love,O beloved of my heart-this goldenlight that dances upon the leaves,these idle clouds sailing across the sky,thispassing breeze leaving its coolness upon my forehead。的人-这在树叶上舞蹈的金光,这些飘过天空的闲云,这在我额头吹过凉意的微风。
The morning light has flooded my eyes-this is thy message to my heart。Thy face is bent from above,thy eyes look down on my eyes,and my heart hastouched thy feet。的眼睛-这是你传递给我心的信息。你俯下脸,望着我的眼睛,我的心触到了你的双足。
On the seashore of endless worlds children meet。The infinite sky ismotionless overhead and the restless water is boisterous。On the seashore ofendless worlds the children meet with shouts and dances。
They build their houses with sand and they play with empty shells。Withwithered leaves they weave their boats and smilingly float them on the vast deep。Children have their play on the seashore of worlds。
They know not how to swim,they know not how to cast nets。Pearl fishersdive for pearls,merchants sail in their ships,while children gather pebblesand scatter them again。they seek not for hidden treasures,they know nothow to cast nets。
The sea surges up with laughter and pale gleams the smile of the sea beach。Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children,even like a mother while rocking her baby’s cradle。The sea plays with children,and pale gleams the smile of the sea beach。
On the seashore of endless worlds children meet。Tempest roams in the pathless sky,ships get wrecked in the trackless water,death is abroad and children play。On the seashore of endless worlds is the great meeting of children。
The sleep that flits on baby’s eyes-doesanybody know from where it comes?Yes,there is a rumour that it has its dwellingwhere,in the fairy village among shadows of the forest dimly lit with glow-worms,there hang two timid buds of enchantment。From there it comes to kissbaby’s eyes。眼睛的睡眠-有谁知道它从那里来?是的,传说它来自林荫中,萤火虫朦胧之光照着的梦幻部落,那儿挂有两个腼腆而美丽的花蕊。它从那里来亲吻婴儿的眼睛。
The smile that flickers on baby’s lips when he sleeps-does anybody knowwhere it was born?Yes,there is a rumour that a young pale beam of a crescentmoon touched the edge of a vanishing autumn cloud,and there the smile wasfirst born in the dream of a dew-washed morning-the smile that flickers onbaby’s lips when he sleeps。的微笑-有谁知道它从那里来?是的,传说一线新月的微光,触到将逝的秋云边缘,微笑初现在沐浴朝露的晨梦中-这就 是婴儿沉睡时闪烁在唇边的微笑。
The sweet,soft freshness that blooms on baby’s limbs-does anybodyknow where it was hidden so long?Yes,when the mother was a young girl itlay pervading her heart in tender and silent mystery of love-the sweet,softfreshness that has bloomed on baby’着s lim新bs。嫩的气息-有谁知道它是在哪里藏这么久呢?是的,当母亲还是一个少女时,它就在她的心田,在温柔安气息。
When I bring to you coloured toys,my child,I understand why there is such a play of colours on clouds, on water,and why flowers are painted in tints-when I give coloured toys to you,my child。
当我给你彩色玩具时,我的孩子,我明白了为什么云中水上会变幻出许多颜色,为什么花朵是会被染When I sing to make you dance I truly now why there is music in leaves,and why waves send their chorus of voices to the heart of the listening earth-when I sing to make you dance。
When I bring sweet things to your greedy hands I know why there is honeyin the cup of the flowers and why fruits are secretly filled with sweet juice-when Ibring sweet things to your greedy hands。
水果隐藏着甜汁-当我把糖果放到你贪婪的手中时。当我把糖果放到你贪婪的手中时,我明白了为什么花杯中会有蜜,为什么 When I kiss your face to make you smile,my darling,I surely understandwhat pleasure streams from the sky in morning light,and what delight that iswhich the summer breeze brings to my body-when I kiss you to make you smile。是怎样的快乐,夏日的微风吹在我的身上是怎样的愉悦-当我吻你的脸让你当我吻你的脸让你微笑时,我的宝贝,我确实明白了晨光从天空流下时,微笑时。
Thou hast made me known to friends whom I knew not。Thou hast givenme seats in homes not my own。Thou hast brought the distant near and made abrother of the stranger。
I am uneasy at heart when I have to leave my accustomed shelter;I forgetthat there abides the old in the new,and that there also thou abidest。
Through birth and death,in this world or in others,wherever thou leadestme it is thou,the same,the one companion of my endless life who ever linkest myheart with bonds of joy to the unfamiliar。
When one knows thee,then alien there is none,then no door is shut。Oh,grant me my prayer that I may never lose the bliss of the touch of the one in theplay of many。
On the slope of the desolate river among tall grasses I asked her,“Maiden,where do thou go shading thy lamp with thy mantle?My house is all dark andlonesome-lend me your light!”she raised her dark eyes for a moment andlooked at my face through the dusk。“I have come to the river,”she said,“tofloat my lamp on the stream when the daylight wanes in the west。”I stood aloneamong tall grasses and watched the timid flame of her lamp uselessly drifting inthe tide。
In the silence of gathering night I asked her,“Maiden,thy lights are all lit-then where do thou go with thy lamp?My house is all dark and lonesome-lendme thy light。”She raised her dark eyes on my face and stood for a momentdoubtful。“I have come,”she said at last,“to dedicate my lamp to the sky。”Istood and watched her light uselessly burning in the void。了-你拿这灯到哪里去呢?我的房子又黑又静-把你的灯借给我吧!”她抬起乌黑的眼睛看着我的脸,站着犹疑了一会儿。最后她说:“我是要把我的灯献给上天的。”我站 在那儿,看着她的灯无用地在天空燃着。
In the moonless gloom of midnight I ask her,“Maiden, what is thy quest,holding the lamp near thy heart?My house is all dark and lonesome-lend me thy light。”
She stopped for a minute and thought and gazed at my face in the dark。“I have brought my light,”
she said,“to join the carnival of lamps。”I stood and watched her little lamp uselessly lost among lights。
在无月的午夜阴晦中,我问她:“姑娘,你为什么你把的灯灯抱借在给胸我前吧?!我”的她房站子住又黑又 一会,在黑暗中凝视我的脸。她说:“我带来我的灯,是参加 灯节的。”我站在那儿,看着她的灯无用地消失在群灯之中。
What divine drink wouldst thou have,my God,from this overflowing cup of my life?
My poet,is it thy delight to see thy creation through my eyes and to stand atthe portals of my ears silently to listen to thine own eternal harmony?
Thy world is weaving words in my mind and thy joy is adding musicto them。Thou givest thyself to me in love and then feelest thine own entiresweetness in me。
She who ever had remained in the depth of my being,in the twilight ofgleams and of glimpses;she who never opened her veils in the morning light,willbe my last gift to thee,my God,folded in my final song。
Words have wooed yet failed to win her;
persuasion has stretched to her its eager arms in vain。
I have roamed from country to country keeping her in the core of my heart,and around her have risen and fallen the growth and decay of my life。
Over my thoughts and actions,my slumbers and dreams,she reigned yetdwelled alone and apart。
many a man knocked at my door and asked for her and turned awayin despair。
There was none in the world who ever saw her face to face,and sheremained in her loneliness waiting for thy recognition。